Anyang Wire Mesh Co., Ltd Hall 8 / C5

Exhibitor Profile
Anyang are one of the top manufacturers and exporters of wire mesh products in china, we have over 20 years of experiences in weaving wire mesh.
Anyang main products are stainless steel wire mesh, all kinds of mesh further-processing products. Epoxy coated wire mesh, PTFE Coated Wire Mesh, Expanded Metal mesh, Mesh, Perforated Metal mesh and We have received the ISO9001:2000 management system certification. Anyang was founded in Anping County, Hebei province, which is the hometown of wire mesh in china.
All products have been exported to Europe, the USA, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa and some other parts in the world.
Products advantage, 100% CNC weaving machines. Mesh further-processing products are produced by German equipment. Professional R&D team,scientific management
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Drahtgewebe-Faltmaschinen
- Filtertücher
- Gewebe
- Gewebefilter
- Maschengewebe, Metal
- Scheibenfilter
- Siebe
- Ölfiltermedien
Market Scope
- Automobilindustrie
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
- Kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie
- Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie
Product Index
- Disc Filters
- Filter Cloth
- Meshes, Metal
- Oil Filter Media
- Sieves
- Wire Mesh Pleaters
- Wire/Wowens
- Wirecloth Filters
Market Scope
- Aerospace Industry
- Automotive Industry
- Filtration and Separation Industry
- Plastic Industry
Product Index
- 滤布
- 滤油器介质
- 盘式过滤器
- 筛
- 重型金属丝网Pleaters的
- 金属丝布过滤器
- 金属网
- 钢丝/绕织
Market Scope
- 汽车工业
- 塑料工业
- 航空航天业
- 过滤与分离工业
Product Index
- أسلاك / منسوجات
- أسلاك، معدنية
- أقمشة فلاتر
- الثقيلة Pleaters شبكة أسلاك
- فلاتر شبكية
- فلاتر قرصية
- مناخل
- مواد فلاتر الزيوت
Market Scope
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
- صناعة البلاستيك
- صناعة السيارات
- صناعة الفضاء
Product Index
- Fils/tissés
- Filtres en tissus de fils
- Filtres à disques
- Mailles métalliques
- Médias pour filtres à huile
- Plisseurs treillis métallique
- Tamis
- Tissus de filtre
Market Scope
- Industrie automobile
- Industrie aérospatiale
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
- Industrie des matières synthétiques
Product Index
- Aggraffatrici per rete
- Filtri a disco
- Filtri in tela metallica
- Mezzi filtro olio
- Panno filtrante
- Reti, metallo
- Setacci
- Tessuti
Market Scope
- Settore aerospaziale
- Settore automobilistico
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
- Settore plastica
Product Index
- Filtry tarczowe
- Filtry z tkaniny drucianej
- Media filtrów oleju
- Nasadki do plisowania filtrów z siatki metalowej
- Siatki metalowe
- Sita
- Tkanina filtracyjna
- Tkaniny druciane
Market Scope
- Filtrowanie i separacja
- Przemysł lotniczy
- Przemysł samochodowy
- Przemysł tworzyw sztucznych
Product Index
- Crivos
- Filtros de discos
- Filtros de tela
- Fio/tecidos
- Malhas, metal
- Meios de filtragem de óleo
- Pleaters malha de arame
- Tela filtrante
Market Scope
- Indústria aeroespacial
- Indústria automóvel
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
- Indústria dos plásticos
Product Index
- Pleaters Тяжелых условиях сетка
- Дисковые фильтры
- Проволока / ткани
- Сетки, металлические
- Сетчатые фильтры
- Фильтрующая ткань
- Фильтрующий элемент масляного фильтра
- Фильтры из металлической сетки
Market Scope
- Авиакосмическая промышленность
- Автомобильная промышленность
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
- Производство пластмасс
Product Index
- Alambre/Wowens
- Filtros de disco
- Filtros de tela de alambre
- Mallas, metal
- Medios de filtros de aceite
- Tamices
- Tela de filtro
- Pleaters malla de alambre
Market Scope
- Industria aeroespacial
- Industria de la automoción
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
- Industria de los plásticos
Product Index
- Ağır Hizmet Tipi Çelik Hasır Plise Makineleri
- Disk Filtreler
- Elekler
- Elekler, Metal
- Filtre Kumaşı
- Tel/Örgülü
- Yağ Filtresi Ortamı
- Örgülü Tel Filtreler
Market Scope
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
- Havacılık Endüstrisi
- Otomotiv Endüstrisi
- Plastik Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 금망 필터
- 금속망
- 디스크 필터
- 여과천
- 오일 여과재
- 우븐 와이어
- 철망 플리터
- 체
Market Scope
- 여과 및 분리 산업
- 자동차 산업
- 플라스틱 산업
- 항공우주 산업
Product Index
- ふるい
- オイルフィルターメディア
- ディスクフィルター
- ワイヤークロスフィルター
- ワイヤーメッシュプリーター
- ワイヤー・ワウエンス
- 濾過布
- 網目
Market Scope
- プラスチック業界
- 濾過および分離技術工業
- 自動車産業
- 航空宇宙産業