AUTOTECH Nonwovens Pvt Ltd Hall 7 / K10

Exhibitor Profile
AUTOTECH Nonwovens is a manufacturer of nonwoven fabrics for the Filtration and Automotive industry.
Located on the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) on NH-8, AUTOTECH's facility is 40 km north of Surat and in close proximity to the industrial hubs of Gujarat and Maharashtra and can provide good connectivity to western ports.
AUTOTECH Nonwovens aims to meet stringent quality standards of nonwovens users globally within Filtration, Automotive as well as other Industrial users.
AUTOTECH has expanded with a state-of-the-art needlepunch nonwovens line from Europe. This is a one-of-its-kind line in India. We target markets in the Filtration, Automotive industry and other customized niche products. We manufacture fabrics from the range of 80 gsm to 900 gsm in a range of fiber types and deniers - on both our present and new line. This line is well supported with peripheral machinery to provide end-to-end solutions.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Flüssig-Filtermedien
- Luftfiltermedien
- Nonwovens, Nadelvlies
- Vliesmaterialien
Market Scope
- Automobilindustrie
- Eisen-, Stahlherstellung
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
- Mineralöl/Öl/Gasproduktion
- Wasserbehandlung, versorgung
- Zement Industrie
Product Index
- Air Filter Media
- Liquid Filter Media
- Nonwovens
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
Market Scope
- Automotive Industry
- Cement Industry (NEW in 2024)
- Filtration and Separation Industry
- Iron, Steel Manufacturing
- Mineral / Oil / Gas Production
- Water Treatment, Supply
Product Index
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
- 无纺布
- 液体过滤滤材
- 空气过滤器介质
Market Scope
- 汽车工业
- 水处理、供应
- 水泥行业
- 矿产/石油/天然气业
- 过滤与分离工业
- 钢铁制造业
Product Index
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
- غير المنسوجات / اللانسيج
- مواد فلاتر الهواء
- مواد فلترة الغازات
Market Scope
- إنتاج المعادن والزيوت والغاز
- التغذية بالمياه وتصريفها
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
- صناعة الأسمنت
- صناعة الحديد والصلب
- صناعة السيارات
Product Index
- Fluides pour filtres à air
- Médias de filtre pour liquides
- Non tissés
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
Market Scope
- Industrie automobile
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
- Industrie du ciment
- Productions minérales / pétrolière / du gaz
- Sidérurgie
- Traitement d’eau, alimentation
Product Index
- Mezzi filtraggio liquidi
- Mezzi filtranti aria
- Non tessuti
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
Market Scope
- Industria del cemento
- Produzione ferro e acciaio
- Produzioni minerali / petrolio / gas
- Settore automobilistico
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
- Trattamento approvvigionamento acqua
Product Index
- Materiały nietkane
- Media filtrów cieczy
- Media filtrów powietrza
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
Market Scope
- Filtrowanie i separacja
- Przemysł cementowy
- Przemysł hutniczy
- Przemysł samochodowy
- Uzdatnianie wody i zaopatrzenie w wodę
- Wydobycie minerałów, ropy i gazu
Product Index
- Meios de filtragem para líquidos
- Meios de filtro do ar
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
- Não-tecidos
Market Scope
- Fabrico de ferro, aço
- Indústria automóvel
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
- Indústria do cimento
- Produção mineral / óleo / gás
- Tratamento de água, abastecimento
Product Index
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
- Нетканые материалы
- Фильтрующий материал
- Фильтрующий материал для жидкостей
Market Scope
- Автомобильная промышленность
- Добыча минералов/ нефти/ газа
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
- Очистка воды, водоснабжение
- Производство железа, стали
- нтная промышленность
Product Index
- Medios de filtros de aire
- Medios de filtros para líquidos
- Non-Wowens
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
Market Scope
- Fabricación de hierro, acero
- Industria cementera
- Industria de la automoción
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
- Producción de minerales / petróleo / gas
- Tratamiento, suministro de agua
Product Index
- Dokunmamış Mamuller
- Hava Filtresi Ortamı
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
- Sıvılar için Filtre Ortamı
Market Scope
- Demir, Çelik Üretimi
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
- Mineral / Petrol / Gaz Üretimi
- Otomotiv Endüstrisi
- Su Arıtma, Temin
- Çimento endüstrisi
Product Index
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
- 공기 여과재
- 부직포
- 액체 여과재
Market Scope
- 광물 / 석유 / 가스 생산
- 수질 관리, 수자원 공급
- 시멘트 산업
- 여과 및 분리 산업
- 자동차 산업
- 철, 철강 제조
Product Index
- Nonwovens, Needlepunched
- エアフィルターメディア
- 不織布
- 液体フィルター媒体
Market Scope
- セメント産業
- 水処理および関連製品
- 濾過および分離技術工業
- 自動車産業
- 製鉄、製鋼業
- 鉱物・石油・ガス生産
What's new
Nonwoven Filter Media – XTATIC
AUTOTECH is a manufacturer of Needlepunched nonwoven filter media for dry and liquid filtration. Our state-of-the-art new European ANDRITZ® Needlepunch line manufactures high quality nonwoven fabrics for filtration applications.
XTATIC reduces the potential risk of high electrical charges to be built in a filter by incorporating conductive fibres into the filter media. XTATIC has high conductive fibres to dissipate static charges offering excellent thermal and chemical resistance.
What's new
Nonwoven Filter Media – AUTOFELT
AUTOTECH is a manufacturer of Needlepunched nonwoven filter media for dry and liquid filtration. Our state-of-the-art new European ANDRITZ® Needlepunch line manufactures high quality nonwoven fabrics for filtration applications.
AUTOFELT is a scrimless needled felt. The absence of a woven scrim reduces the tendency to blinding as fine dust which inevitably penetrates into all felts does not become lodged in the scrim. This enhances easy cake release properties.
What's new
Nonwoven Filter Media - MICRO7
AUTOTECH is a manufacturer of Needlepunched nonwoven filter media for dry and liquid filtration. Our state-of-the-art new European ANDRITZ® Needlepunch line manufactures high quality nonwoven fabrics for filtration applications.
MICRO7 Offers access to high-specific-surface-area materials that are uniform and easily dispersed. MICRO7 offers micro-pore size, reduced emission level and improved dust holding capacity.
What's new
What's new
Filter Media for Liquids – LIQIFELT
AUTOTECH is a manufacturer of Needlepunched nonwoven filter media for dry and liquid filtration. Our state-of-the-art new European ANDRITZ® Needlepunch line manufactures high quality nonwoven fabrics for liquid filtration applications.
LIQIFELT range of filters have been specially designed to deliver high filter life and separation efficiency as well as easy cake release properties. LIQIFELT offers reduced pore size with higher number of pores and special finishes.
Industries best served in this range includes
- Pharmaceutical
- Fertilizers
- Chemicals
What's new
Needlepunch Nonwoven Filter Media
AUTOTECH is a manufacturer of Needlepunched nonwoven filter media for dry and liquid filtration. Our team is focused on continuous research and development of customized products from fiber to final processed roll goods.
Our state-of-the-art new European ANDRITZ® Needlepunch line manufactures high quality nonwoven fabrics for hot air gas and liquid filtration applications.
We cater our products to all industries including
- Power
- Cement
- Steel
- Pharmaceutical
- Refinery
- Fertilizers
Job Offers
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- German, ENGLISH
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