BOKELA GmbH Hall 8 / A45

Exhibitor Profile
BOKELA zählt im Bereich der Prozessfiltration weltweit zu den führenden Lieferanten von Filtrationsanlagen für die chemische und pharmazeutische Industrie, Lebensmittelindustrie und für die Aufbereitung von Erzen und Mineralien:
• Vakuumdrehfilter | BoVac Disc, BoVac Drum und BoVac Pan Filter
• Kontinuierliche Druck- und Dampfdruckfiltration | BoHiBar Disc und BoHiBar Drum Filter
• Dynamische Crossflow Filtration | BoCross Dynamic and BoCross MicroScreen Filter
• Filter Revamping | Modernisierung und Leistungssteigerung von Filteranlagen
• Transportable Labortestgeräte | BoFilTest und BoCrossTest.
BOKELA is a high performing, medium-sized enterprise that ranks as one of the worldwide leading suppliers of modern filtration plants for process filtration.
BOKELA’s innovative, high performance filtration technologies offer clients in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food and raw materials industry economic and sustainable solutions:
• Rotary Vacuum Filters | BoVac Disc, BoVac Drum and BoVac Pan Filter
• Continuous pressure and steam pressure filtration | BoHiBar Disc and Drum Filter
• Dynamic crossflow filtration | BoCross Dynamic and BoCross MicroScreen Filter
• Filter Revamping | Modernization and improvement of filter plants
• Transportable laboratory equipment | BoFilTest and BoCrossTest.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Drehfilter
- Druckfiltration/Entwässerung
- Drucktrommelfilter
- Filteranlagen
- Filtrierbarkeitstester
- Laborfilter
- Mikrofiltration
- Planfilter
- Rotary Membrane Filters
- Scheibenfilter
- Siebmaschinen
- Trommelfilter
- Ultrafiltration
- Vakuumdrehfilter
- Vakuumfilter
- Vakuumscheibenfilter
- Vakuumtrommelfilter
Market Scope
- Bergbauindustrie
- Biotechnologie/Biopharmazie
- Chemische Industrie
- Farben-, Pigment-, Beschichtungsindustrie
- Lebensmittel-,Getränkeindustrie
- Mineralöl/Öl/Gasproduktion
- Petrochemische Industrie
- Pharmazeutische Industrie
Product Index
- Disc Filters
- Drum Filters
- Filterability Tester
- Filtration Plants
- Laboratory Filters
- Microfiltration
- Pressure Drum Filters
- Pressure Filtration/Dewatering
- Rotary Filters
- Rotary Membrane Filters
- Rotary Vacuum Filters
- Screening Machines
- Table Filters
- Ultrafiltration
- Vacuum Disc Filters
- Vacuum Drum Filters
- Vacuum Filters
Market Scope
- Biotechnology/Biopharmac. Industry
- Chemical Industries
- Food, Beverage Industry
- Mineral / Oil / Gas Production
- Mining Industry
- Paint, Pigments, Coatings Industry
- Petrochemical Industry
- Pharmaceutical Industry
Product Index
- 压滤/脱水
- 实验室过滤器
- 平面过滤机
- 微孔过滤
- 旋转式真空过滤器
- 旋转式薄膜过滤器
- 旋转过滤器
- 盘式过滤器
- 真空圆盘过滤器
- 真空过滤器
- 真空鼓式过滤器
- 筛选机
- 超过滤
- 过滤性测试仪
- 过滤设备
- 鼓式压滤器
- 鼓式过滤器
Market Scope
- 制药工业
- 化学工业
- 油漆、颜料、涂料工业
- 生物技术/生物制药业
- 石化工业
- 矿产/石油/天然气业
- 采矿业
- 食品、饮料工业
Product Index
- آلات فرز
- أقراص فلاتر شفط
- إختبار صلاحية الفلاتر
- اسطوانات فلاتر شفط
- اسطوانات فلترة بالضغط
- الفلترة المضاعفة
- الفلترة الميكروية
- صفائح دورانية
- فلاتر اسطوانية
- فلاتر ترتيب
- فلاتر دورانية
- فلاتر سحب دورانية
- فلاتر شفط
- فلاتر قرصية
- فلاتر مخبرية
- فلترة بالضغط / نزح المياه
- وحدات فلترة
Market Scope
- إنتاج المعادن والزيوت والغاز
- الصناعات الدوائية
- الصناعات الغذائية وصناعة المشروبات
- الصناعة البتروكيماوية
- الصناعة الكيماوية
- صناعة التعدين
- صناعة التقنية البيولوجية والبيوصيدلية
- صناعة الدهانات والصبغات والتلبيس
Product Index
- Filtration sous pression/égouttage
- Filtre à tables
- Filtres de laboratoires
- Filtres rotatifs
- Filtres à disques
- Filtres à disques à vide
- Filtres à membrane rotative
- Filtres à tambours
- Filtres à tambours sous pression
- Filtres à tambours à vide
- Filtres à vide
- Filtres à vide rotatifs
- Installation de filtration
- Machines de criblage
- Microfiltration
- Testeur de filtrabilité
- Ultrafiltration
Market Scope
- Industrie biotechnologie/biopharmaceutique
- Industrie chimique
- Industrie de peintures, pigments et revêtements
- Industrie minière
- Industrie pharmaceutique
- Industrie pétrochimique
- Industries alimentaires et des boissons
- Productions minérales / pétrolière / du gaz
Product Index
- Filtrazione/disidratazione a pressione
- Filtri a disco
- Filtri a membrana rotante
- Filtri a tamburo
- Filtri a vuoto
- Filtri a vuoto rotanti
- Filtri con tamburo a pressione
- Filtri di laboratorio
- Filtri dischi a vuoto
- Filtri piani
- Filtri rotanti
- Filtri tamburi a vuoto
- Impianti di filtraggio
- Macchine per vagliare
- Microfiltrazione
- Tester filtrabilità
- Ultrafiltrazione
Market Scope
- Biotecnologie/biofarmaceutica
- Produzioni minerali / petrolio / gas
- Settore alimenti e bevande
- Settore chimico
- Settore minerario
- Settore parafarmaceutico
- Settore petrolchimico
- Settore pitture, pigmenti e rivestimenti
Product Index
- Ciśnieniowe filtry bębnowe
- Filtracja ciśnieniowa/ odwadnianie
- Filtry bębnowe
- Filtry laboratoryjne
- Filtry obrotowe
- Filtry próżniowe
- Filtry stolikowe
- Filtry tarczowe
- Mikrofiltracja
- Obrotowe filtry membranowe
- Obrotowy filtr próżniowy
- Przesiewacze
- Próżniowe filtry bębnowe
- Próżniowe filtry tarczowe
- Tester filtracyjności
- Ultrafiltracja
- Urządzenia filtracyjne
Market Scope
- Biotechnologia/biofarmaceutyka
- Produkcja farb i lakierów
- Przemysł chemiczny
- Przemysł farmaceutyczny
- Przemysł petrochemiczny
- Przemysł spożywczy
- Przemysł wydobywczy
- Wydobycie minerałów, ropy i gazu
Product Index
- Dispositivo de teste de filtrabilidade
- Drenagem/filtração sob pressão
- Filtros de discos
- Filtros de discos de vácuo
- Filtros de membranas rotativos
- Filtros de tambor
- Filtros de tambor de vácuo
- Filtros de tambor sob pressão
- Filtros de vácuo
- Filtros de vácuo rotativos
- Filtros para laboratório
- Filtros planos
- Filtros rotativos
- Instalações de filtração
- Microfiltração
- Máquinas separadoras (crivos)
- Ultrafiltração
Market Scope
- Ind. de biotecnologia/biofarmac.
- Indústria alimentar, de bebidas
- Indústria farmacêutica
- Indústria mineira
- Indústria petroquímica
- Indústrias químicas
- Pintura, pigmentos, indústria de revestimentos
- Produção mineral / óleo / gás
Product Index
- Барабанные фильтры
- Вакуумные барабанные фильтры
- Вакуумные дисковые фильтры
- Вакуумные фильтры
- Дисковые фильтры
- Лабораторные фильтры
- Микрофильтрование
- Напорные барабанные фильтры
- Прибор для измерения степени фильтрования
- Просеивающие машины
- Рамные фильтры
- Ротационные вакуумные фильтры
- Ротационные мембранные фильтры
- Ротационные фильтры
- Ультрафильтрация
- Фильтрационные установки
- Фильтрация давлением / обезвоживание
Market Scope
- Биотехнология / Биофармацевтическая промышленность
- Горнодобывающая промышленность
- Добыча минералов/ нефти/ газа
- Лакокрасочная промышленность
- Нефтехимическая промышленность
- Производство продуктов питания и напитков
- Фармацевтическая промышленность
- Химическая промышленность
Product Index
- Comprobador de filtrabilidad
- Filtración/extracción de agua a presión
- Filtros de disco
- Filtros de disco de vacío
- Filtros de laboratorio
- Filtros de membrana giratorios
- Filtros de mesa
- Filtros de tambor
- Filtros de tambor de presión
- Filtros de tambor de vacío
- Filtros de vacío
- Filtros de vacío giratorios
- Filtros giratorios
- Microfiltración
- Máquinas de criba
- Plantas de filtración
- Ultrafiltración
Market Scope
- Industria de la alimentación y las bebidas
- Industria de la biotecnología/biofarmacéutica
- Industria de la minería
- Industria de las pinturas, pigmentos, revestimientos
- Industria farmacéutica
- Industria petroquímica
- Industrias químicas
- Producción de minerales / petróleo / gas
Product Index
- Arıtma İstasyonları
- Basınçlı Filtrasyon/Susuzlaştırma
- Basınçlı Tambur Filtreler
- Disk Filtreler
- Döner Filtreler
- Döner Membran Filtreler
- Döner Vakum Filtreler
- Elek Makineleri
- Filtrelenebilirlik Testi Cihazı
- Laboratuvar Filtreleri
- Mikrofiltrasyon
- Tabla Filtre
- Tambur Filtreler
- Ultrafiltrasyon
- Vakum Disk Filtreler
- Vakum Filtreler
- Vakum Tambur Filtreler
Market Scope
- Biyoteknoloji/Biyoeczacılık Endüstrisi
- Boya, Pigment, Kaplama Endüstrisi
- Gıda, İçecek Endüstrisi
- Kimya Endüstrisi
- Madencilik Endüstrisi
- Mineral / Petrol / Gaz Üretimi
- Petrokimya Endüstrisi
- İlaç Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 드럼 필터
- 디스크 필터
- 분체기
- 실험실 필터
- 압력 드럼 필터
- 압력 여과/탈수
- 정밀 여과
- 정수 처리장
- 진공 드럼 필터
- 진공 디스크 필터
- 진공 필터
- 테이블 필터
- 필터 성능 테스터
- 한외 여과
- 회전 분리막 필터
- 회전 진공 필터
- 회전 필터
Market Scope
- 광물 / 석유 / 가스 생산
- 광업
- 생명공학/생물 약제학 산업
- 석유화학 산업
- 식음료 산업
- 제약 산업
- 페인트, 안료, 도장 산업
- 화학 산업
Product Index
- スクリーニング機
- テーブルフィルター
- ディスクフィルター
- ドラムフィルター
- ラボ用フィルター
- ロータリーフィルター
- ロータリーフィルター
- 加圧ドラムフィルター
- 回転式真空フィルター
- 圧力濾過・脱水
- 濾過性試験器
- 濾過設備
- 真空ディスクフィルター
- 真空ドラムフィルター
- 真空フィルター
- 精密濾過
- 限外濾過
Market Scope
- バイオテクノロジー・バイオ医薬品産業
- 化学工業
- 医薬品業界
- 塗料、顔料、コーティング産業
- 石油化学工業
- 鉱業
- 鉱物・石油・ガス生産
- 食品、飲料業界
What's new
BoVac Disc XL352 – The largest and best-performing vacuum disc filter on the market
Modern high-performance disc filters such as the BoVac Disc Filter have set new standards in applications where large capacities of solids, liquids and air have to be managed through the filters.
These disc filters have an enormous hydraulic capacity. For applications in mineral processing – with a special focus on tailings – which typically have high solids throughputs but low filtrate and air flows, this capacity can be used to expand the filtration area while maintaining the benefits of very good cake discharge even with thin cakes (4-5 mm) and a high filter speed.
Research work over the last century has proven that increasing the filter area should be achieved by increasing the disc diameter. Because adding more discs leads to big problems with the cake discharge. However, as the disc diameter increases, the filter segments become longer and heavier.
The BoVac Disc XL352 is the perfect essence. With a filtration area of 352 m² it is the biggest vacuum disc filter on the market. The disc diameter is 6.4 m and the filter has six discs. In tailing applications, the capacity can exceed 1.000 t/h per filter at a moisture of 16-18 %-m/m or get a moisture of 13-16 %-m/m at a reduced capacity.
However, this filter is as well very suitable for coal, ore concentrates and hydrometallurgical separation steps. Particularly in tailings dry stacking projects this filter offers a significant reduction in OPEX and CAPEX compared to the use of pressure filtration with filter presses.
What's new
HiBar Drum Filters – The answer to new filtration challenges in battery, minerals and rare earth processing
The world is moving into a new era where machinery drives do no longer run with combustion motors, but more and more with electrical motors – getting the power preferably from a green grid.
The metals and minerals required for electric motors are mainly copper for the winding, aluminium for the casing and iron-cobalt-nickel, neodym-iron-bor or samarium-cobalt for the permanent magnets. The metals required for the batteries are mainly lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt (NMC with high energy density) or lithium, iron, phosphate (LFP with lower energy density).
Especially elements like lithium, cobalt, neodym, samarium or other elements of the rare earth fraction appear in very low concentration in minerals and require an intense hydro metallurgical processing.
This processing requires several steps of solids liquid separation steps with challenges such as extreme pH-values (<2 or >12), temperatures > 100 °C, intense wash of solids, low moisture, continuous operation, etc. Especially intense wash of solids quite often ends up in two or three steps of filtration with intermediate solids reslurry. However, this pushes CAPEX for filtration equipment to the high end and puts the realization of projects at risk.
Modern pressure drum filters such as the BOKELA BoHiBar Drum XL 18 or XL 26 are able to perform a three-stage counter current cake wash with a slurry that is fed to the filter with a temperature of up to 200 °C and solids with a d50 of down to almost 1 micron.
The design of the filter with:
- A high number of individual filter segments
- A quick drainage of the liquid into the piping system to the control head
- A sharp separation of the wash liquids in the control head
- An operation with back pressure on the filtrate separators
...result in reaching the target figures with only one filter unit while other filter types like plate and frame filter presses require two filters with intermediate reslurry. Or the material of construction does not allow for temperatures in the range of 100-200 °C. Furthermore, this filter can be equipped with a steam hood to reduce the moisture to a minimum.