Cleanair Europe srl Hall 7 / L16

Exhibitor Profile

CleanAir Europe srl has been a producer of filter bag cages for industrial dedusting for 40 years and we are able to produce cages of various shapes, sizes and materials.

We have our own internal coating line, in cataphoresis, a treatment aimed at improving cage’s resistance against high temperature and corrosion in each type of environment.

CleanAir Europe is committed to providing high-quality filter sleeve cage solutions for various types of industrial dust manifolds and suitable for all OEM designs.
CleanAir has a remarkable knowledge of applications and rich experience in multiple industries in the air filtration sector: Metal processing, Cement & minerals, Agri&food, Chemicals, Plastics, Wood, Pharma.

Cleanair Europe srl is presenting at the show the three main innovations of the last 2 years: Eco Atex the first anti static cage on the market, EcoSmart the first digital cage in the market and EcoTurbo IDF the first energy-saving cage in the market.

Particularly the energy-saving solution Eco IDF will be presented in a separate stage at the conference in a paper jointed by the Politecnico of Milano and CleanAir Europe

Products / Markets

Product Index

  • Beutel-/Taschenfilter
  • Entstaubungsanlagen
  • Filterbeutel
  • Filterelemente
  • Filtergehäuse
  • Filterrahmen
  • Luftfilter
  • Luftfiltermedien
  • Materialüberwachung / Monitoring
  • Staub-/Tropfenfilter
  • Staubabscheider

Market Scope

  • Abfallwirtschaft
  • Chemische Industrie
  • Eisen-, Stahlherstellung
  • Energieerzeugung,-versorgung
  • Farben-, Pigment-, Beschichtungsindustrie
  • Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
  • Keramik-, Glasindustrie
  • Kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie
  • Lebensmittel-,Getränkeindustrie
  • Umweltschutz
  • Zement Industrie

Product Index

  • Air Filter Media
  • Air Filters
  • Bag Filters
  • Dedusters
  • Dust Collectors
  • Dust/Mist Filters
  • Filter Bags
  • Filter Elements
  • Filter Frames
  • Filter Housings
  • Material Monitoring

Market Scope

  • Cement Industry (NEW in 2024)
  • Ceramic, Glass Industry
  • Chemical Industries
  • Energy, Energy Supply
  • Environmental Protection
  • Filtration and Separation Industry
  • Food, Beverage Industry
  • Iron, Steel Manufacturing
  • Paint, Pigments, Coatings Industry
  • Plastic Industry
  • Waste Treatment

Product Index

  • 对于过滤器框架
  • 尘/雾过滤器
  • 滤壳
  • 滤芯
  • 物质监测
  • 空气过滤器
  • 空气过滤器介质
  • 袋式过滤器
  • 过滤袋
  • 除尘器
  • 集尘器

Market Scope

  • 化学工业
  • 塑料工业
  • 废物处理
  • 水泥行业
  • 油漆、颜料、涂料工业
  • 环境保护
  • 能源、能源供应
  • 过滤与分离工业
  • 钢铁制造业
  • 陶瓷、玻璃工业
  • 食品、饮料工业

Product Index

  • أكياس فلاتر
  • أكياس فلترة
  • إطار لل مرشح
  • تصفية العلب
  • فلاتر الغبار / الضباب
  • فلاتر الهواء
  • قطع فلاتر
  • مجمعات الغبار
  • مراقبة المواد
  • مصافي الغبار
  • مواد فلاتر الهواء

Market Scope

  • الصناعات الغذائية وصناعة المشروبات
  • الصناعة الكيماوية
  • حماية البيئة
  • صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
  • صناعة الأسمنت
  • صناعة الألبان
  • صناعة البلاستيك
  • صناعة الحديد والصلب
  • صناعة الدهانات والصبغات والتلبيس
  • صناعة الزجاج والفخار / السيراميك
  • معالجة النفايات

Product Index

  • Cadres pour filtres
  • Collecteurs de poussières
  • Dispositifs antipoussières
  • Eléments de filtre
  • Filtres à air
  • Filtres à poussières/buées
  • Filtres à sacs
  • Fluides pour filtres à air
  • Les boîtiers de filtre
  • Sacs de filtres
  • surveillance de matériel

Market Scope

  • Industrie chimique
  • Industrie de filtration et de séparation
  • Industrie de la céramique et du verre
  • Industrie de peintures, pigments et revêtements
  • Industrie des matières synthétiques
  • Industrie du ciment
  • Industrie laitière
  • Industries alimentaires et des boissons
  • Protection de l’environnement
  • Sidérurgie
  • Traitement des déchets

Product Index

  • Abbattitori
  • Alloggiamenti filtro
  • Collettori di polvere
  • Controllo materiali
  • Elementi filtranti
  • Filtri a tasche
  • Filtri aria
  • Filtri polvere/nebbie
  • Mezzi filtranti aria
  • Strutture filtro
  • Tasche filtri

Market Scope

  • Energia, approvvigionamento energetico
  • Industria del cemento
  • Produzione ferro e acciaio
  • Protezione ambientale
  • Settore alimenti e bevande
  • Settore ceramica e vetro
  • Settore chimico
  • Settore filtrazione e separazione
  • Settore pitture, pigmenti e rivestimenti
  • Settore plastica
  • Trattamento rifiuti

Product Index

  • Elementy filtra
  • Filtry powietrza
  • Filtry przeciwpyłowe/przeciwmgielne
  • Filtry workowe
  • Media filtrów powietrza
  • Monitorowanie materiału
  • Obudowy filtrów
  • Odpylacze
  • Odpylacze
  • Ramy filtrów
  • Worki filtracyjne

Market Scope

  • Filtrowanie i separacja
  • Ochrona środowiska
  • Oczyszczanie ścieków
  • Produkcja farb i lakierów
  • Produkcja szkła i ceramiki
  • Przemysł cementowy
  • Przemysł chemiczny
  • Przemysł energetyczny
  • Przemysł hutniczy
  • Przemysł spożywczy
  • Przemysł tworzyw sztucznych

Product Index

  • Carcaças de Filtro
  • Colectores de poeiras (aspiradores)
  • Despoeiradores
  • Elementos filtrantes
  • Filtros de ar
  • Filtros de poeiras/vapores
  • Filtros de saco
  • Meios de filtro do ar
  • Quadro de filtros
  • Sacos filtrantes
  • monitoramento de materiais

Market Scope

  • Cerâmica, indústria vidreira
  • Fabrico de ferro, aço
  • Indústria alimentar, de bebidas
  • Indústria de filtragem e separação
  • Indústria do cimento
  • Indústria dos plásticos
  • Indústria leiteira
  • Indústrias químicas
  • Pintura, pigmentos, indústria de revestimentos
  • Protecção ambiental
  • Tratamento de desperdícios

Product Index

  • Воздушные фильтры
  • Корпуса фильтров
  • Материал мониторинг
  • Пылевые / масляные фильтры
  • Пылеотделители
  • Пылесборники
  • Рамки для фильтра
  • Рукавные фильтры
  • Фильтровальные мешки
  • Фильтрующие элементы
  • Фильтрующий материал

Market Scope

  • Защита окружающей среды
  • Керамическая, стекольная промышленность
  • Лакокрасочная промышленность
  • Молочная промышленность
  • Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
  • Переработка отходов
  • Производство железа, стали
  • Производство пластмасс
  • Производство продуктов питания и напитков
  • Химическая промышленность
  • нтная промышленность

Product Index

  • Aspiradores de polvo
  • Bolsas de filtro
  • Colectores de polvo
  • Elementos de filtro
  • Filtro de Viviendas
  • Filtros de aire
  • Filtros de bolsa
  • Filtros de polvo/neblina
  • Marco de filtros
  • Medios de filtros de aire
  • monitoreo del Material

Market Scope

  • Fabricación de hierro, acero
  • Industria cementera
  • Industria de la alimentación y las bebidas
  • Industria de la cerámica y el cristal
  • Industria de la filtración y la separación
  • Industria de las pinturas, pigmentos, revestimientos
  • Industria de los plásticos
  • Industria de los productos lácteos
  • Industrias químicas
  • Protección del medio ambiente
  • Tratamiento del agua

Product Index

  • Filtre Elemanları
  • Filtre Gövdeleri
  • Filtre Torbaları
  • Filtre çerçeveleri
  • Hava Filtreleri
  • Hava Filtresi Ortamı
  • Malzeme izleme
  • Torba Filtreler
  • Toz Gidericiler
  • Toz Toplayıcılar
  • Toz/Buğu Filtreleri

Market Scope

  • Atık Arıtma
  • Boya, Pigment, Kaplama Endüstrisi
  • Demir, Çelik Üretimi
  • Enerji, Enerji İkmali
  • Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
  • Gıda, İçecek Endüstrisi
  • Kimya Endüstrisi
  • Plastik Endüstrisi
  • Seramik, Cam Endüstrisi
  • Çevre Koruma
  • Çimento endüstrisi

Product Index

  • 공기 여과재
  • 공기 필터
  • 먼지/안개 필터
  • 백 필터
  • 분진제거기
  • 재료 모니터링
  • 집진기
  • 필터 백
  • 필터 엘리먼트
  • 필터 프레임
  • 필터 하우징

Market Scope

  • 세라믹, 유리 산업
  • 시멘트 산업
  • 식음료 산업
  • 에너지, 에너지 공급
  • 여과 및 분리 산업
  • 철, 철강 제조
  • 페인트, 안료, 도장 산업
  • 폐기물 처리
  • 플라스틱 산업
  • 화학 산업
  • 환경 보호

Product Index

  • エアフィルター
  • エアフィルターメディア
  • ダスト・ミストフィルター
  • バッグフィルター
  • フィルターエレメント
  • フィルターハウジング
  • フィルターバッグ
  • フィルターフレーム
  • 材料モニタリング
  • 除塵機
  • 集塵機

Market Scope

  • エネルギー、エネルギー供給
  • セメント産業
  • セラミック、ガラス産業
  • プラスチック業界
  • 化学工業
  • 塗料、顔料、コーティング産業
  • 廃棄物処理
  • 濾過および分離技術工業
  • 環境保護
  • 製鉄、製鋼業
  • 食品、飲料業界

What's new

EcoTurbo - CFD powered Venturi solution to save energy in dedusting operation

We’re excited to introduce EcoTurbo Cage, our patented solution designed to enhance the performance of pulse jets in dust collectors. By harnessing the powerful pressure waves of the impulse, EcoTurbo significantly increases dust cake release. This innovation leads to substantial energy savings for compressors and fans by reducing average machine differential pressure and boosting air intake efficiency.

Conference Presentation/s

The potential of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for efficient pulse-jet cleaning of fabric filters: Part 2 - characterization of a practical solution

G.V. Messa, D. Scaccabarozzi, C. Martina, Politecnico di Milano; C. Maggi*, L. Montanelli, CleanAir Europe S.r.l., Italy

Conference Session: G05 - Surface Filtration - 2024-11-12, 16:45 - 18:00

The pulse jet method stands as a firmly established means for cleansing fabric filters. It leverages the mechanical force of a compressed air jet, generating a pressure wave that traverses the bag filter, dislodging
dust accumulation from its surface. Preceding this, an initial step entails employing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques to simulate airflow. With the continuous advancements in computing power and
simulation software capabilities, CFD finds application across diverse engineering domains involving fluid dynamics. Notably, CFD offers extensive data distribution, relatively economical implementation, and the
virtual capacity to simulate any flow process irrespective of complexity or scale. However, a primary challenge highlighted in prior research lies in the considerable computational demands, encompassing both processing time and memory requirements. Particularly in scenarios involving turbulent flows, the fundamental fluid flow equations derived from mass, momentum, and energy conservation principles necessitate mathematical manipulation and subsequent numerical approximation for computational handling. This process yields coefficients, parameters, and closure equations, often empirical and poorly characterized, compelling users to make subjective decisions and introducing uncertainty into simulation outcomes. Consequently, the focal challenge for CFD practitioners lies not merely in solving equations, but rather in configuring settings such as sub-models and parameters—to ensure dependable numerical forecasts. To address this, a specific parameter set and sensitivity analysis have been conducted and found to be the most accurate possible tradeoff among time and cost.

This study highlights the potential of CFD in fabric filter pulse jet cleaning. While previous research has explored CFD's role in simulating this process, it has mainly been limited to pioneering or recent investigations
of the entire cleaning operation. In contrast, this study aims to evaluate CFD's practical effectiveness as an engineering tool, focusing on accuracy, robustness, and computational efficiency...

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