Don & Low, Ltd. Hall 7 / K16

Exhibitor Profile

With over 30 years’ experience in the nonwovens industry, Don & Low have established themselves as a leading manufacturer for an extensive range of high performance nonwoven fabrics and composites. Based in the UK, their technology based covers the production of spunbond, meltblown and needlepunch nonwovens supplying a global client base.

Key Technologies:
1. Spunbond: PP, PE, PP/PE BiCo, High Tensile & Isotropic
2. Meltblown: PP, PE, PBT & TPU
3. Needlepunch: PP & PET
4. Film/Foil/Nonwoven Laminates/Composites 2-5 Layers

Products / Markets

Product Index

  • Vliesmaterialien
  • Vliesmaterialien, Meltblown
  • Vliesmaterialien, Spunbonded

Market Scope

  • Bauindustrie
  • Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
  • Medizintechnik, Health Care Industrie
  • Textilindustrie

Product Index

  • Nonwovens
  • Nonwovens, Meltblown
  • Nonwovens, Spunbonded

Market Scope

  • Building & Construction Services
  • Filtration and Separation Industry
  • Medical, Health Care Industry
  • Textile Industry

Product Index

  • 无纺布
  • 熔喷无纺布
  • 纺粘型无纺布

Market Scope

  • 医疗卫生保健业
  • 建筑与施工服务业
  • 纺织工业
  • 过滤与分离工业

Product Index

  • اللانسيج، تذويب وتنفيش
  • اللانسيج، غزل ولصق
  • غير المنسوجات / اللانسيج

Market Scope

  • الصناعات الطبية والعناية الصحية
  • الصناعة النسيجية
  • خدمات البناء والإنشاء
  • صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد

Product Index

  • Non tissés
  • Non tissés, feutres
  • Non tissés, toiles soufflées à chaud

Market Scope

  • Industrie de filtration et de séparation
  • Industrie du bâtiment et de la construction
  • Industrie médicale et de la santé
  • Industrie textile

Product Index

  • Non tessuti
  • Non tessuti, meltblown
  • Non tessuti, spunbonded

Market Scope

  • Servizi settore edile
  • Settore filtrazione e separazione
  • Settore industria tessile
  • Settore medicale e sanità

Product Index

  • Materiały nietkane
  • Materiały nietkane, formowane
  • Materiały nietkane, zgrzewalne

Market Scope

  • Filtrowanie i separacja
  • Ochrona zdrowia
  • Przemysł budowlany
  • Przemysł tekstylny

Product Index

  • Não-tecidos
  • Não-tecidos, em forma enrolada
  • Não-tecidos, fusão

Market Scope

  • Indústria de filtragem e separação
  • Indústria médica, cuidados de saúde
  • Indústria têxtil
  • Serviços de fabrico & construção

Product Index

  • Нетканые материалы
  • Нетканые материалы, плавление
  • Нетканые материалы, формование

Market Scope

  • Медицина, здравоохранение
  • Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
  • Строительство жилых и общественных зданий
  • Текстильная промышленность

Product Index

  • Non-Wowens
  • Non-Wowens, Meltblown
  • Non-Wowens, Spunbonded

Market Scope

  • Industria de la filtración y la separación
  • Industria médica, de la atención sanitaria
  • Industria textil
  • Servicios de edificación y construcción

Product Index

  • Dokunmamış Mamuller
  • Dokunmamış Mamuller, Meltblown
  • Dokunmamış Mamuller, Spunbond

Market Scope

  • Bina ve İnşaat Hizmetleri
  • Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
  • Tekstil Endüstrisi
  • Tıp, Sağlık Sektörü

Product Index

  • 멜트블로운 부직포
  • 부직포
  • 스펀본드 부직포

Market Scope

  • 건축 및 건설 용역
  • 섬유 산업
  • 여과 및 분리 산업
  • 의료, 보건 산업

Product Index

  • 不織布
  • 不織布, Meltblown
  • 不織布, Spunbonded

Market Scope

  • 医療、ヘルスケア業界
  • 建築・建設業
  • 濾過および分離技術工業
  • 繊維業界

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