Exhibitor Profile
Our factory Filpar Automotive’s brand ‘CARBOPLUS’ was founded in Istanbul with an objective of creating added-value on behalf of our country and to meet the high demand of the activated carbon paper in automotive, construction, textiles, ventilation and the other industries.
As a first in the field, it has started its production activities with the latest technology equipment and modern facilities.
With our investments on R&D works carried out for a long time, high quality activated carbon paper with an optimal value was come into use for our customers.
We have reached high quality product standardization by using the latest production technologies in manufacturing activated carbon paper and passing all necessary testing phases. Production structure that can respond to every demand, timely and accurate delivery, competitive price advantage, effective customer services and the continuity in high quality standards we offer always aim to satisfy our customer in domestic and abroad.
In accordance with our mission, ‘CARBOPLUS’ aims to be a leading and a trusted brand in activated carbon paper area by using the best quality raw material in its facilities and supplying the quality of diversity from automotive industries to HVAC applications.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Aktivkohle
- Aktivkohle Medien
- Filtermedien f. Gase
- Kabinenfilter
- Luftfiltermedien
Market Scope
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
Product Index
- Activated Carbon
- Activated Carbon Media
- Air Filter Media
- Cabin Air Filters
- Filter Media for Gases
Market Scope
- Filtration and Separation Industry
Product Index
- 气体过滤器介质
- 汽车空调过滤器
- 活性碳
- 活性碳介质
- 空气过滤器介质
Market Scope
- 过滤与分离工业
Product Index
- فلاتر المقصورات والحُجرات
- كربون منشط
- مواد الكربون المنشط
- مواد فلاتر الهواء
- مواد فلترة السوائل
Market Scope
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
Product Index
- Charbon actif
- Filtres à air de cabines
- Fluide à charbon actif
- Fluides pour filtres à air
- Médias de filtre pour gaz
Market Scope
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
Product Index
- Carbone attivo
- Filtri aria abitacolo
- Mezzi filtranti aria
- Mezzi filtranti carbone attivo
- Mezzi filtranti per gas
Market Scope
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
Product Index
- Kabinowe filtry powietrza
- Media filtrów gazu
- Media filtrów powietrza
- Media węgla aktywowanego
- Węgiel aktywowany
Market Scope
- Filtrowanie i separacja
Product Index
- Carvão activado
- Filtros de ar para cabines
- Meios de carvão activado
- Meios de filtragem para gases
- Meios de filtro do ar
Market Scope
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
Product Index
- Активированный уголь
- Материал активированного угля
- Фильтрующий материал
- Фильтрующий материал для газов
- Фильтры воздуха в кабине
Market Scope
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
Product Index
- Carbón activado
- Filtros de aire de cabina
- Medios de carbón activado
- Medios de filtros de aire
- Medios de filtros para gases
Market Scope
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
Product Index
- Aktif Karbon
- Aktif Karbon Ortamı
- Gazlar için Filtre Ortamı
- Hava Filtresi Ortamı
- Kabin Hava Filtreleri
Market Scope
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 가스용 여과재
- 공기 여과재
- 캐빈 에어 필터
- 활성탄
- 활성탄 매체
Market Scope
- 여과 및 분리 산업
Product Index
- エアフィルターメディア
- ガス用濾過材
- キャビン用エアフィルター
- 活性炭
- 活性炭メディア
Market Scope
- 濾過および分離技術工業