Jasun Envirocare SARL

Exhibitor Profile
Established in 2014 Jasun Envirocare Sarl sells a wide range of air filters throughout France.
The company also acts as an EU distribution hub for all air filters manufactured by Jasun Envirocare Plc, UK. This has allowed a smooth transition for all our European customers to continue to receive fast product delivery and with no additional paperwork to deal with.
In our warehouse in Compiegne, we stock a wide range of standard made filters, ready for immediate delivery.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Beutel-/Taschenfilter
- Filtergehäuse
- Filterkissen
- Glasfaserschläuche
- Hepa-Filter
- Kohlefilter
- Luftfilter
- Nanofiltration
- Paneelfilter-Anlagen
Market Scope
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
Product Index
- Air Filters
- Bag Filters
- Carbon Filters
- Filter Housings
- Filter Pads
- Glass Filter Bags
- HEPA Filters
- Nanofiltration
- Panel Filter Lines
Market Scope
- Filtration and Separation Industry
Product Index
- 活性碳过滤器
- 滤壳
- 滤板
- 玻璃过滤袋
- 空气过滤器
- 纳米过滤
- 袋式过滤器
- 面板式过滤器生产线
- 高效粒子空气过滤器
Market Scope
- 过滤与分离工业
Product Index
- "فلاتر هواء عالية الفاعلية ""هـيبا"" HEPA"
- أقراص فلترة
- أكياس زجاج تصفية
- أكياس فلترة
- الفلترة الدقيقة
- تصفية العلب
- خطوط فلاتر صفائحية
- فلاتر الهواء
- فلاتر كربونية
Market Scope
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
Product Index
- Filtres HEPA
- Filtres à air
- Filtres à carbone
- Filtres à sacs
- Les boîtiers de filtre
- Lignes de panneaux de filtres
- Nanofiltration
- Patins de filtres
- Sacs de filtre en verre
Market Scope
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
Product Index
- Alloggiamenti filtro
- Cuscinetti per filtri
- Filtri a tasche
- Filtri aria
- Filtri carbone
- Filtri hepa
- Linee filtri a pannello
- Nanofiltrazione
- Tasche in fibra di vetro
Market Scope
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
Product Index
- Filtry HEPA
- Filtry kasetowe
- Filtry powietrza
- Filtry workowe
- Filtry workowe z włókna szklanego
- Filtry węglowe
- Nanofiltracja
- Obudowy filtrów
- Podkładki pod filtry
Market Scope
- Filtrowanie i separacja
Product Index
- Carcaças de Filtro
- Filtros absolutos (HEPA)
- Filtros de ar
- Filtros de carvão
- Filtros de saco
- Filtros de saco de vidro
- Instalações de filtros de painéis
- Nanofiltração
- Tampões de filtros
Market Scope
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
Product Index
- Воздушные фильтры
- Корпуса фильтров
- Линии по производству фильтровальных панелей
- Нанофильтрация
- Рукавные фильтры
- Сумки стеклянный фильтр
- Угольные фильтры
- Фильтрующие прокладки
- Фильтры тонкой очистки
Market Scope
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
Product Index
- Filtro de Viviendas
- Filtro de vidrio Bolsas
- Filtros HEPA
- Filtros de aire
- Filtros de bolsa
- Filtros de carbón
- Líneas de filtros de paneles
- Nanofiltración
- Pastillas de filtro
Market Scope
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
Product Index
- Cam Elyaf Torbalar
- Filtre Gövdeleri
- Filtre Pedi
- HEPA Filtreler
- Hava Filtreleri
- Karbon Filtreler
- Nanofiltrasyon
- Panel Filtre Hatları
- Torba Filtreler
Market Scope
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
Product Index
- HEPA 필터
- 공기 필터
- 나노 여과
- 백 필터
- 유리 필터 백
- 탄소 필터
- 패널 필터 라인
- 필터 패드
- 필터 하우징
Market Scope
- 여과 및 분리 산업
Product Index
- HEPAフィルター
- エアフィルター
- ガラス繊維フィルターバッグ
- ナノ濾過
- バッグフィルター
- パネルフィルターライン
- フィルターハウジング
- フィルターパッド
- 活性炭フィルター
Market Scope
- 濾過および分離技術工業