Math2Market GmbH Hall 8 / B26

Exhibitor Profile

Math2Market develops the simulation software GeoDict to model and improve complete

  • filters
  • filter elements
  • circular pleated filters
  • and filter media

... starting from 3D image data of filter media (µCT, FIB/SEM), CAD models of filter elements, or user-defined media parameters.

The models of nonwoven, woven, ceramic, foams, cellulose, glass- and steel-fiber, metal wire mesh, membranes, catalyst honeycombs, etc. are geometrically analyzed and their filtration properties are simulated for many fluids (air, oil, water, fuel, blood, etc.).

GeoDict characterizes pore size distribution, bubble point, maximum through pore, fluid flow, particle movement and deposition, MPPS, clogging, and cake formation. GeoDict calculates pressure drop, filter efficiency, and filter capacity.

With GeoDict®,

• resolve complicated filtration issues
• interactively modify the filter models to optimize the filtration process
• optimize the location of air purifiers in offices and classrooms
• automate complex parameter studies
• drastically reduce prototyping and cut time and R&D cost
• substantially accelerate the design and production of innovative filters and media

Math2Market’s GeoDict is the leader in filtration simulation and efficient computer-aided filter design.

Products / Markets

Product Index

  • Simulation

Market Scope

  • Automobilindustrie
  • Biotechnologie/Biopharmazie
  • Energieerzeugung,-versorgung
  • Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
  • Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie
  • Mineralöl/Öl/Gasproduktion
  • Textilindustrie
  • Zellstoff-, Papierindustrie

Product Index

  • Simulation

Market Scope

  • Aerospace Industry
  • Automotive Industry
  • Biotechnology/Biopharmac. Industry
  • Energy, Energy Supply
  • Filtration and Separation Industry
  • Mineral / Oil / Gas Production
  • Pulp, Paper Industry
  • Textile Industry

Product Index

  • 模拟

Market Scope

  •  汽车工业
  • 生物技术/生物制药业
  • 矿产/石油/天然气业
  • 纸浆、造纸工业
  • 纺织工业
  • 能源、能源供应
  • 航空航天业
  • 过滤与分离工业

Product Index

  • محاكاة

Market Scope

  • إنتاج المعادن والزيوت والغاز
  • الصناعة النسيجية
  • الصناعة الورقية
  • حماية البيئة
  • صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
  • صناعة التقنية البيولوجية والبيوصيدلية
  • صناعة السيارات
  • صناعة الفضاء

Product Index

  • Simulation

Market Scope

  • Industrie automobile
  • Industrie aérospatiale
  • Industrie biotechnologie/biopharmaceutique
  • Industrie de filtration et de séparation
  • Industrie de la pâte de cellulose et du papier
  • Industrie textile
  • Productions minérales / pétrolière / du gaz
  • Protection de l’environnement

Product Index

  • Simulazione

Market Scope

  • Biotecnologie/biofarmaceutica
  • Energia, approvvigionamento energetico
  • Produzioni minerali / petrolio / gas
  • Settore aerospaziale
  • Settore automobilistico
  • Settore filtrazione e separazione
  • Settore industria dell carta e della cellulosa
  • Settore industria tessile

Product Index

  • Symulacja

Market Scope

  • Biotechnologia/biofarmaceutyka
  • Filtrowanie i separacja
  • Przemysł celulozowo-papierniczy
  • Przemysł energetyczny
  • Przemysł lotniczy
  • Przemysł samochodowy
  • Przemysł tekstylny
  • Wydobycie minerałów, ropy i gazu

Product Index

  • Simulação

Market Scope

  • Ind. de biotecnologia/biofarmac.
  • Indústria aeroespacial
  • Indústria automóvel
  • Indústria de filtragem e separação
  • Indústria têxtil
  • Pasta, indústria do papel
  • Produção mineral / óleo / gás
  • Protecção ambiental

Product Index

  • Имитация

Market Scope

  • Авиакосмическая промышленность
  • Автомобильная промышленность
  • Биотехнология / Биофармацевтическая промышленность
  • Бумажная промышленность
  • Добыча минералов/ нефти/ газа
  • Защита окружающей среды
  • Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
  • Текстильная промышленность

Product Index

  • Simulación

Market Scope

  • Industria aeroespacial
  • Industria de la automoción
  • Industria de la biotecnología/biofarmacéutica
  • Industria de la filtración y la separación
  • Industria de la pasta de madera, el papel
  • Industria textil
  • Producción de minerales / petróleo / gas
  • Protección del medio ambiente

Product Index

  • Simülasyon

Market Scope

  • Biyoteknoloji/Biyoeczacılık Endüstrisi
  • Enerji, Enerji İkmali
  • Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
  • Havacılık Endüstrisi
  • Mineral / Petrol / Gaz Üretimi
  • Otomotiv Endüstrisi
  • Selüloz, Kağıt Endüstrisi
  • Tekstil Endüstrisi

Product Index

  • 시뮬레이션

Market Scope

  • 광물 / 석유 / 가스 생산
  • 생명공학/생물 약제학 산업
  • 섬유 산업
  • 에너지, 에너지 공급
  • 여과 및 분리 산업
  • 자동차 산업
  • 제지, 종이 산업
  • 항공우주 산업

Product Index

  • シミュレーション

Market Scope

  • エネルギー、エネルギー供給
  • バイオテクノロジー・バイオ医薬品産業
  • パルプ、製紙業界
  • 濾過および分離技術工業
  • 繊維業界
  • 自動車産業
  • 航空宇宙産業
  • 鉱物・石油・ガス生産

What's new

Digital design and virtual switching of cartridges to increase filter performance – the new GeoDict software feature

Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) is of keen interest to simulate flow and filtration on filters with cartridges. However, performing systematic simulations on different geometrical setups requires the generation of these structures as CAD individually and the import of each sample separately.

A new feature in the GeoDict software allows to generate a variety of cartridges with changing pleat count, pleat thickness, and number of porous layers, and digitally switch them inside the housing. Starting now, it is easy and quick to find the ideal configuration between filter area and pleat count for cartridges and their housing, regarding their local minimum pressure drop and many filtration relevant parameters.

This digital test of the performance of filter prototypes circumvents the need for expensive, trial-and-error manufacturing and testing phases, since only promising prototypes undergo measurements at the testbench. These systematic simulations with varying geometries or flow rates may be run simultaneously in cloud applications to further increase the productivity, fit customers requests, and decrease time-to-market.

What's new

GeoDict in ASTM E3278-21 International Standard

The simulation software GeoDict is presented in the ASTM E3278-21 international standard to digitally perform bubble point pressure testing of woven wire filter cloth.

Traditionally, the pore diameter is calculated using the measured pressure based on the Young-Laplace equation for the equilibrium of the gas pressure and surface tension forces. However, this equation is only for the perfect model (cylindrical pore, thin film with contact angle of 0°, isopropanol wetting liquid) and must be corrected by either the actual contact angle or a tortuosity factor for the filter cloth.

Alternatively, according to ASTM E3278-21, the software-based calculations of the PoroDict module of GeoDict are obtained through the non-circular cross-section of the bottle neck through-path of the filter cloth. This improves correlation and is able to generate a specific correction factor for each different filter cloth specification.

The ASTM E3278-21 standardizes software-based calculations of pore size through bubble point computations performed with the PoroDict module.

PoroDict quantitatively characterizes pore size, percolation path, tortuosity, bubble point pressure, and other parameters of the pore space, such as Pore Size Distribution (Granulometry and Porosimetry), Chord Length Distribution, open and closed porosity, and geodesic tortuosity.

Math2Market software products are a worthwhile new technological strategy, used by internationally renowned manufacturers in the filtration industry to optimize processes, to cut prototyping and R&D costs, to accelerate the design of filter and filter media greatly, and to boost their competitive edge.

What's new

Modeling, simulation, and optimization of filter media for protective face masks

In answering the global demand for safe personal protective equipment and the need for faster development and optimization of face masks, we demonstrate in a short video how GeoDict software is applied to design, model, simulate, analyze and optimize the filter media to improve the filter characteristics of face masks.

This unique digital workflow with GeoDict represents an efficient, sustainable and state-of-the-art methodology for digital R&D material design for porous media, explicitly shown here for a filter medium as an example.

These reliable quantitative simulations are the way to a time and cost saving approach for the development of new filter materials and filters with superior lifetime and performance. Development phases can be significantly accelerated thanks to shortened development times. The innovations can be developed much more easily by obtaining digitally unique insights and rich information about material prototypes and their properties, even before manufacturing them.

What's new

The GeoDict simulation software of Math2Market is part of the ASTM E2814-18 international standard

MATH2MARKET GmbH is a leader in providing software and consulting solutions for the design of innovative filter media, and for the improvement of filtration processes from its location in Kaiserslautern, Germany, near Frankfurt. Math2Market’s team, with an extensive research background, develops and supplies the GeoDict® software for R&D in numerous industries. For the filtration industry, Math2Market supports pioneering digital filter development and design to improve pressure drop, efficiency, and lifetime of filters, while at the same time greatly reducing, or even eliminating, expensive and time-consuming experimental testing.

Math2Market’s software GeoDict® only needs user-defined specifications, micro-CT and FIB/SEM images of filter media, or CAD models of filter elements to produce structural models of filter elements, pleats, and media (nonwoven, woven, metal and plastic meshes, synthetic media and papers, ceramics, open-cell foams, membranes, gradient materials…). Then, it analyzes pore size distribution, bubble point, fluid flow, pressure drop, particle capture, MPPS, depth filtration, clogging, dust holding capacity, and cake formation in the digital models. Gas filtration (air: DPF, HVAC) or liquid filtration (oil filter, hydraulic filters, sludge filtration, water, blood…) processes are simulated taking into account fluid density and viscosity, Brownian motion, inertial impaction, electrostatic forces, adhesion forces, and particle size and mass distribution. The possibilities of digital non-destructive testing are virtually boundless.

Math2Market software products are a worthwhile new technological strategy, used by internationally renowned manufacturers in the filtration industry to optimize processes, to cut prototyping and R&D costs, to accelerate the design of filters and filter media greatly, and to boost their competitive edge.

Conference Presentation/s

Efficient workflow for optimal pressure drop of pleated filters

P. Eichheimer*, L. Cheng, A. Wiegmann, Math2Market GmbH, Germany

Conference Session: F09 - Enhancement of Filter Media Performance - 2024-11-14, 10:45 - 12:00

In recent years, the demands of the industry to enhance filtration performance increased the use of digital tools to design new filter element shapes. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is crucial, not just for detailed designs but also for broader simulations analyzing flow and filtration within filters.

However, conducting systematic simulations across different designs requires creating and importing CAD data into the CAE engine one by one, which can be time-consuming. To tackle this, we present a digital workflow to generate cylindrical pleat structures with variations in pleat count, thickness, and the number of porous layers in our own CAE engine, GeoDict. The creation and assessment of pleat structures is simplified, enabling a streamlined evaluation of the impact of their characteristics on key filtration parameters.

In addition to that, computational resources and simulation time of filter flow performance are reduced significantly with a multi-scale approach. Instead of simulating each fiber individually, porous layers are used, incorporating effective parameters as input parameter. These input parameters are derived from microscale simulations or flat sheet experiments.

In the presented study different filter structures are simulated to identify the most efficient configuration to minimize pressure drop while maximizing filter area. Since only the most promising prototypes undergo further physical evaluation, the result is a great reduction of ... Moreover, cloud platforms enable simultaneous simulations of various designs and differing flow rates, enhancing overall productivity.

Simulation of adsorption-based processes to remove contaminants

A. Weber, P. Eichheimer, A. Wiegmann*, Math2Market GmbH, Germany

Conference Session: G01 - Adsorption I - 2024-11-12, 13:00 - 14:15

Adsorption-based processes play a crucial role in reducing environmental pollution and eliminating harmful substances. Common filter media materials, like activated carbon, zeolites, and metal-organic frameworks, are used to effectively purify fluids and gases for applications ranging from water treatment to air purification. A way to measure and classify the quality of adsorption filter media is to look at breakthrough curves. A breakthrough curve shows the concentration of the adsorbate in the filtrate behind the filter media, and breakthrough occurs in the moment when adsorbate reaches shows up in the filtrate.

In carbon capture, adsorption is vital to trap and store CO2 emissions from industrial activities and power generation, preventing their release into the atmosphere. The CO2 may be stored or used in processes like enhanced oil recovery or synthetic fuel production. However, determining breakthrough curves for a specific contaminant often requires time-consuming and costly experimental procedures.

In this context, the use of simulations allows to precisely control experimental parameters such as temperature, pressure, and surface properties to investigate their effects on adsorption behavior – gaining important insights into the microstructure to develop next-generation filter media.

In this study, we introduce the efficient simulation of adsorption on the filter media scale using GeoDict, a powerful tool for digital material development and prototyping. The approach is to calculate the molecular movement of particles and to solve for the adsorption equilibrium step by step using Langmuir and Toth adsorption isotherms. The simulation delivers breakthrough curves for arbitrary contaminants. The method is validated against experimental data from Coker and Knox, 2014 [1].

Future developments seek to include additional adsorption isotherms and improve simulation speed. Overall, these new simulation features provide new capabilities for product development in the field of adsorption-based filtration applications.

Modeling of charge distributions, dielectrophoresis and charge decay in electret filter media

L. Cheng*, A. Weber, P. Eichheimer, J. Becker, D. Michel, A. Wiegmann, Math2Market GmbH; S. Schumacher, T. van der Zwaag, T. Engelke, Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology e.V. (IUTA), Germany

Conference Session: G14 - Modelling and Simulation II - 2024-11-14, 13:00 - 14:15

Electret filters find widespread application across various industries due to their exceptional filtration efficiency. These filters operate on the principle of electrostatic attraction between charged fibers and particles, electrophoresis and dielectrophoresis. However, research on electret filter media faces numerous challenges and complexities, such as charge stability over time, charge uniformity, and distribution of charges, particularly on the fibers.

In this context, numerical simulations play a crucial role in deepening the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms governing the behavior of electret filter media. They provide valuable insights into the complex interplay among electrostatic forces, airflow dynamics, and particle behavior, aspects not easily observable or measurable through experiments.

For the simulations of particulate filtration in filter media and elements, the FilterDict module of GeoDict stands out as a powerful software tool. Its capabilities to perform direct numerical simulations of electrophoresis are currently being enhanced in the framework of the ElekSim project, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The overall objective of this project is to develop a new simulation environment focusing specifically on electret filters with the aim to streamline the optimization of electret filter media and to validate it against measurements. So far we have the comparison of simulation results of real filter media originating from different charging processes such as hydro charging, corona charging and triboelectric charging. The FilterDict developments include simulating diverse charge distributions in both particles and fibers, adding dielectrophoresis to existing electrophoresis capabilities, and tracking surface charge decay in electret filter media over time.

The initial verification of this simulation methodology is compared against results from Fluent® on a single fiber and simple multi-fiber models and includes a comparison of the computed filter efficiency across a given particle size distribution. Next, the new features will be validated against measurements on provided µCT scans. To investigate the effects of electrostatic charge on the filter efficiency, the filter media are additionally discharged using isopropanol to expose the pure mechanical filtration characteristics.

These insights will allow drawing new conclusions for the design of innovative next-generation electret filter media with different charge distribution methods, structural configurations, and improved charge stability.

Information Request
