Micromeritics GmbH

Exhibitor Profile
Micromeritics is the world’s leading supplier of high-performance systems to characterize particles, powders and porous materials with a focus on physical properties, chemical activity, and flow properties.
Our industry-leading technology portfolio includes: pycnometry, adsorption, dynamic chemisorption, intrusion porosimetry, powder rheology, activity testing of catalysts, and particle size.
The company has R&D and manufacturing sites in the USA, UK, and Spain, and direct sales and service operations throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Micromeritics systems are the instruments-of-choice in more than 10,000 laboratories of the world’s most innovative companies, prestigious government, and academic institutions. Our world-class scientists and responsive support teams enable customer success by applying Micromeritics technology to the most demanding applications.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Abscheider
- Additive Fertigung
- Gasadsorption
- Membranen
- Partikelanalysemethoden
- Porengrößenmessgerät
- Poröse Keramik
- Pulver
Market Scope
- Batterie Industrie
- Bauindustrie
- Chemische Industrie
- Energieerzeugung,-versorgung
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
- Petrochemische Industrie
- Pharmazeutische Industrie
Product Index
- Additive Manufacturing
- Gas Adsorption
- Membranes
- Particle Measuring Methods
- Pore Size Meter
- Porous Ceramics
- Powders
- Separators
Market Scope
- Battery Industry (NEW in 2024)
- Building & Construction Services
- Chemical Industries
- Energy, Energy Supply
- Filtration and Separation Industry
- Petrochemical Industry
- Pharmaceutical Industry
Product Index
- 分离器
- 多孔性陶瓷
- 孔径分析仪
- 气体吸附
- 添加剂制造
- 粉末
- 隔膜
- 颗粒测量方法
Market Scope
- 制药工业
- 化学工业
- 建筑与施工服务业
- 电池行业
- 石化工业
- 能源、能源供应
- 过滤与分离工业
Product Index
- اسطوانات
- التصنيع المضافة
- امتصاص كيميائي للغازات
- بودرات
- حجم المسام محلل
- سيراميك مثقب
- طرق قياس الجسيمات
- فواصل
Market Scope
- الصناعات الدوائية
- الصناعة البتروكيماوية
- الصناعة الكيماوية
- حماية البيئة
- خدمات البناء والإنشاء
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
- صناعة البطاريات
Product Index
- Adsorption de gaz
- Analyseur de taille des pores
- Céramiques poreuses
- Fabrication additive
- Membranes
- Méthodes de mesures de particules
- Poudres
- Séparateurs
Market Scope
- Industrie chimique
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
- Industrie des batteries
- Industrie du bâtiment et de la construction
- Industrie pharmaceutique
- Industrie pétrochimique
- Protection de l’environnement
Product Index
- Assorbimento gas
- Ceramica porosa
- Membrane
- Metodi di misurazione particelle
- Misuratore dimensioni pori
- Polveri
- Produzione collanti
- Separatori
Market Scope
- Energia, approvvigionamento energetico
- Industria delle batterie
- Servizi settore edile
- Settore chimico
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
- Settore parafarmaceutico
- Settore petrolchimico
Product Index
- Adsorbcja gazu
- Ceramika porowata
- Membrany
- Metody pomiaru cząsteczek
- Pomiar wielkości porów
- Proszki
- Separatory
- Wytwarzanie przyrostowe
Market Scope
- Filtrowanie i separacja
- Przemysł akumulatorowy
- Przemysł budowlany
- Przemysł chemiczny
- Przemysł energetyczny
- Przemysł farmaceutyczny
- Przemysł petrochemiczny
Product Index
- Adsorção de gases
- Analisador de tamanho de poros
- Cerâmica porosa
- Manufacturing aditivo
- Membranas
- Métodos de medição de partículas
- Pós
- Separadores
Market Scope
- Indústria de baterias
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
- Indústria farmacêutica
- Indústria petroquímica
- Indústrias químicas
- Protecção ambiental
- Serviços de fabrico & construção
Product Index
- Адсорбция газа
- Добавка Производство
- Мембраны
- Пор по размерам анализатора
- Пористая керамика
- Порошки
- Сепараторы
- Способы измерения частиц
Market Scope
- Аккумуляторная промышленность
- Защита окружающей среды
- Нефтехимическая промышленность
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
- Строительство жилых и общественных зданий
- Фармацевтическая промышленность
- Химическая промышленность
Product Index
- Absorción de gas
- Analizador de tamaño de poro
- Cerámica porosa
- Fabricación aditiva
- Membranas
- Métodos de medición de partículas
- Polvos
- Separadores
Market Scope
- Industria de baterías
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
- Industria farmacéutica
- Industria petroquímica
- Industrias químicas
- Protección del medio ambiente
- Servicios de edificación y construcción
Product Index
- Gaz Adsorpsiyonu
- Gözenek Boyutu Ölçüm Cihazı
- Gözenekli Seramikler
- Katkı İmalat
- Membranlar
- Partikül Ölçüm Yöntemleri
- Separatörler
- Tozlar
Market Scope
- Akü Endüstrisi
- Bina ve İnşaat Hizmetleri
- Enerji, Enerji İkmali
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
- Kimya Endüstrisi
- Petrokimya Endüstrisi
- İlaç Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 가스 흡수
- 기공도 측정기
- 다공질 세라믹
- 분리기
- 분리막
- 분말
- 입자 측정 방법
- 첨가제 제조
Market Scope
- 건축 및 건설 용역
- 배터리 산업
- 석유화학 산업
- 에너지, 에너지 공급
- 여과 및 분리 산업
- 제약 산업
- 화학 산업
Product Index
- ガス吸着
- 分離機
- 多孔質セラミックス
- 積層造形
- 粉末
- 粒子測定方法
- 細孔径測定器
- 膜
Market Scope
- エネルギー、エネルギー供給
- 化学工業
- 医薬品業界
- 建築・建設業
- 濾過および分離技術工業
- 石油化学工業
- 電池産業