Exhibitor Profile
RIERA Nadeu S.A.- under Brand name RINA Technology is a midsize engineering and manufacturing company located 25km north of Barcelona. Our company has been in business since 1952.
We manufacture solid/liquid separation equipment, liquid/liquid separation equipment, pneumatic drying equipment and micronizers.
In Detail:
- Centrifuges (continuous + batch working; vertical+ horizontal) with Filter basket or solid bowl
- Supercentrifuges (up to 20.000 g) for liquid/liquid & Solid liquid separation
- Turbo Dryers (Rina Jet TS)
- Spray dryers
- Micronizers (Rina Jet TM)
We are specialized in studying and searching for optimal solutions together with our customers, in order to come out with the most appropriate machinery to serve our clients' needs and expectations regarding each specific application. For pre-studies - of course- we supply machinery on laboratory scale and offer trials in our test center.
The majority of our machines are tailor made. Additionally we also offer contract works of any kind of metal equipment or spare parts. Of course, all with requested quality and/or special Norms and certificates.
Engineering and production are all in-house, something we are extremely proud of. Customers are always welcome to visit our state-of-the-art manufacturing site.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Entwässerungsanlagen
- Prüfdienstleistungen
- Schälzentrifugen
- Tba
- Trockner
- Zentrifugen
Market Scope
- Bergbauindustrie
- Chemische Industrie
- Farben-, Pigment-, Beschichtungsindustrie
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
- Halbleiterindustrie
- Keramik-, Glasindustrie
- Medizintechnik, Health Care Industrie
- Mineralöl/Öl/Gasproduktion
Product Index
- Centrifuges
- Dewatering Equipment
- Dryers
- Peeler Centrifuges
- Tba
- Testing Services
Market Scope
- Ceramic, Glass Industry
- Chemical Industries
- Filtration and Separation Industry
- Medical, Health Care Industry
- Mineral / Oil / Gas Production
- Mining Industry
- Paint, Pigments, Coatings Industry
- Semiconductor Industry
Product Index
- Tba
- 刮刀离心机
- 干燥器
- 测试服务
- 离心机
- 除水设备
Market Scope
- 化学工业
- 医疗卫生保健业
- 半导体工业
- 油漆、颜料、涂料工业
- 矿产/石油/天然气业
- 过滤与分离工业
- 采矿业
- 陶瓷、玻璃工业
Product Index
- Tba
- أجهزة تقشير طاردة مركزية
- خدمات الاختبار
- مجففات
- معدات ترشيح
- وحدات الطرد المركزي
Market Scope
- إنتاج المعادن والزيوت والغاز
- الصناعات الطبية والعناية الصحية
- الصناعة الكيماوية
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
- صناعة أنصاف النواقل
- صناعة التعدين
- صناعة الدهانات والصبغات والتلبيس
- صناعة الزجاج والفخار / السيراميك
Product Index
- Centrifugeuses
- Centrifugeuses de déroulage
- Equipements d’égouttage
- Pour être annoncé
- Services de contrôle
- Sécheurs
Market Scope
- Industrie chimique
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
- Industrie de la céramique et du verre
- Industrie de peintures, pigments et revêtements
- Industrie des semi-conducteurs
- Industrie minière
- Industrie médicale et de la santé
- Productions minérales / pétrolière / du gaz
Product Index
- Centrifughe
- Centrifughe pelatrici
- Da comunicare
- Dispositivi di disidratazione
- Essiccatori
- Servizi di verifica
Market Scope
- Produzioni minerali / petrolio / gas
- Settore ceramica e vetro
- Settore chimico
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
- Settore industria dei semiconduttori
- Settore medicale e sanità
- Settore minerario
- Settore pitture, pigmenti e rivestimenti
Product Index
- Suszarki
- Urządzenia do odwadniania
- Usługi testowania
- Wirówki
- Wirówki obierające
- Zostanie ogłoszona
Market Scope
- Filtrowanie i separacja
- Ochrona zdrowia
- Produkcja farb i lakierów
- Produkcja półprzewodników
- Produkcja szkła i ceramiki
- Przemysł chemiczny
- Przemysł wydobywczy
- Wydobycie minerałów, ropy i gazu
Product Index
- A ser anunciado
- Centrifugadores
- Centrifugadores de desenrolamento/descasque
- Equipamento de drenagem
- Secadores
- Serviços de teste
Market Scope
- Cerâmica, indústria vidreira
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
- Indústria de semicondutores
- Indústria mineira
- Indústria médica, cuidados de saúde
- Indústrias químicas
- Pintura, pigmentos, indústria de revestimentos
- Produção mineral / óleo / gás
Product Index
- Будет объявлено
- Дренажное оборудование
- Обслуживание Тестирования
- Сушилки
- Центрифуги
- Центрифуги с ножевым съёмом осадка
Market Scope
- Горнодобывающая промышленность
- Добыча минералов/ нефти/ газа
- Керамическая, стекольная промышленность
- Лакокрасочная промышленность
- Медицина, здравоохранение
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
- Полупроводниковая промышленность
- Химическая промышленность
Product Index
- "Centrífugas ""peeler"""
- Centrífugas
- Equipo de extracción de agua
- Se anunciará
- Secadores
- Servicios de Pruebas
Market Scope
- Industria de la cerámica y el cristal
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
- Industria de la minería
- Industria de las pinturas, pigmentos, revestimientos
- Industria de los semiconductores
- Industria médica, de la atención sanitaria
- Industrias químicas
- Producción de minerales / petróleo / gas
Product Index
- Daha sonra bildirilecektir
- Kurutucular
- Peeler Santrifüjler
- Santrifüjler
- Susuzlaştırma Ekipmanları
- test Hizmetleri
Market Scope
- Boya, Pigment, Kaplama Endüstrisi
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
- Kimya Endüstrisi
- Madencilik Endüstrisi
- Mineral / Petrol / Gaz Üretimi
- Seramik, Cam Endüstrisi
- Tıp, Sağlık Sektörü
- Yarıiletken Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 건조기
- 분리기
- 추후 공개 예정
- 탈수기
- 테스트 서비스
- 필러 원심 분리기
Market Scope
- 광물 / 석유 / 가스 생산
- 광업
- 반도체 산업
- 세라믹, 유리 산업
- 여과 및 분리 산업
- 의료, 보건 산업
- 페인트, 안료, 도장 산업
- 화학 산업
Product Index
- ピーラー遠心分離機
- 乾燥機
- 発表予定
- 脱水装置
- 試験サービス
- 遠心分離機
Market Scope
- セラミック、ガラス産業
- 化学工業
- 医療、ヘルスケア業界
- 半導体業界
- 塗料、顔料、コーティング産業
- 濾過および分離技術工業
- 鉱業
- 鉱物・石油・ガス生産
What's new
Riera Nadeu, S.A. is a leader in the manufacturing of industrial equipment for centrifuge separation, pneumatic drying system and powder milling.
Our company was founded with the objective of offering the accurate technical solutions to the growing chemical activity in the region of Barcelona. We became rapidly an important supplier for the local industry. Following the trend of markets globalization, our projection became more and more wide.
Our policy of excellence in all the manufacturing procedures, detailed finishing and commercialization, have led us to be a reference on national and international markets.
We are now counting with more than 2000 references working for the most demanding applications such as Biotechnology, Pharma, Food, Chemicals, Energy and Upcycling.