Shinkai Filter Co., Ltd.
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Exhibitor Profile
Nanjing Shinkai Filter Co., Ltd, established in January 2006, is a world's leading manufacturer of diverse sinter metal filters elements and filtration systems.
Now Shinkai supplies sinter porous metal filter elements including Sintered Metal Powder Cartridge, Sintered Metal Fiber Felt Cartridge, Sintered Metal Mesh Cartridge and special customized products.
Shinkai has accumulated rich engineering experiences in a complex liquid-solid separation, gas-solid separation, powder handling & processing and sparging.
Shinkai's filtration systems are in compliance with standard of PED, ASME, IBR, EAC, etc.
Shinkai owns series patents, the certificate of ISO9001, Certificate of Environment Management, Certificate of ISO14001, aim to supply the best product and service to all customers.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Filterelemente
- Mehrfachfiltersysteme
- Patronenfilter
- Rückspülfilter
- Scheibenfilter
Market Scope
- Chemische Industrie
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
Product Index
- Back Flush Filters
- Cartridge Filters
- Disc Filters
- Filter Elements
- Multiple Filter Systems
Market Scope
- Chemical Industries
- Filtration and Separation Industry
Product Index
- 复式过滤器系统
- 滤筒
- 滤芯
- 盘式过滤器
- 袋式平槽过滤器
Market Scope
- 化学工业
- 过滤与分离工业
Product Index
- أكياس فلترة للدفق العالي
- أنظمة فلترة مضاعفة
- فلاتر الكارترج / الخراطيش
- فلاتر قرصية
- قطع فلاتر
Market Scope
- الصناعة الكيماوية
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
Product Index
- Cartouches de filtres
- Eléments de filtre
- Filtres à disques
- Sacs de filtres de décolmatage
- Systèmes à filtres multiples
Market Scope
- Industrie chimique
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
Product Index
- Elementi filtranti
- Filtri a disco
- Filtri cartuccia
- Filtri di risciacquo
- Sistemi a filtraggio multiplo
Market Scope
- Settore chimico
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
Product Index
- Elementy filtra
- Filtry ciśnieniowe
- Filtry tarczowe
- Systemy wielostopniowej filtracji
- Wkłady filtracyjne
Market Scope
- Filtrowanie i separacja
- Przemysł chemiczny
Product Index
- Elementos filtrantes
- Filtros de cartuchos
- Filtros de discos
- Filtros de saco de águas residuais
- Sistemas de filtros múltiplos
Market Scope
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
- Indústrias químicas
Product Index
- Дисковые фильтры
- Многоступенчатые фильтрующие системы
- Рукавные проточные фильтры
- Фильтрующие элементы
- Фильтры со сменным фильтрующим элементом
Market Scope
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
- Химическая промышленность
Product Index
- Elementos de filtro
- Filtros de cartucho
- Filtros de descarga de bolsa
- Filtros de disco
- Sistemas de filtros múltiples
Market Scope
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
- Industrias químicas
Product Index
- Disk Filtreler
- Filtre Elemanları
- Kartuşlu Filtreler
- Ters Yıkamalı Filtreler
- Çoklu Filtre Sistemleri
Market Scope
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
- Kimya Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 다중 필터 시스템
- 디스크 필터
- 백 플러시 필터
- 카트리지 필터
- 필터 엘리먼트
Market Scope
- 여과 및 분리 산업
- 화학 산업
Product Index
- カートリッジ・フィルター
- ディスクフィルター
- バックフラッシュフィルター
- フィルターエレメント
- マルチフィルタシステム
Market Scope
- 化学工業
- 濾過および分離技術工業