SPM Srl Hall 8 / E6

Exhibitor Profile
S.P.M. srl, gegründet 1992 in Vigevano (Italien), entwickelt und produziert Maschinen, auch Spezialmaschinen für die Verarbeitung von Polyurethan-Bikomponenten-Materialien und für die Handhabung und Vorbereitung von Filtermedien. Wir realisieren also Anlagen mit Maschinenlinien für die Herstellung von Filtern und /oder technische Artikel.
S. P. M. studiert und entwirft das Produktionssystem, das den Bedürfnissen des Kunden am besten entspricht, dann baut es die Maschinen, bietet Unterstützung und Ausbildung des Personals für einen optimalen Produktionsstart
SPM entwickelt zwei Hauptmaschinenlinien:
- Entwicklung und Herstellung von Maschinen für die Verarbeitung von Polyurethan-Materialien: Giessen von Reagenzien (Polyurethan oder Epoxidharz), Reifung und Kalibrierung
- Entwicklung und Herstellung von Maschinen für die Verarbeitung von Filtermedien, Behandlung und Vorbereitung (Vorschneiden, Markieren, Plissieren, Seitenbänder, Schneiden, Stabilisieren, etc. )
Dank der Kompetenz der Mitarbeiter und der hohen Qualität der eigenen Produkte ist SPM in der Lage, seinen Kunden eine breite Palette von Standard- oder auf Anfrage konzipierten Maschinen für komplette Produktionslinien zu liefern.
Die Stärke von S.P.M.liegt in der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunden durchgeführte Untersuchung des für seine spezifischen Bedürfnisse am besten geeigneten Produktionssystems und die anschließende Realisierung der entworfenen Maschinen oder Linien, der Produktionsstart und ein schneller und präziser After-Sales-Service.
- Automobilsektor:
- Kreisfilter, Heavy Duty
- Fahrraumfilter
- Panelfilter (jede Form)
- Öko-Filter
- Ölfilter
- Kraftstofffilter
- Luftfilter
- Industriefilter
- Konditionierungsfilter
- Dichtungen
S.P.M. srl, founded in 1992 in Vigevano (Italy), designs and produces machines, also special, for the processing of two-component polyurethane materials and for the handling and preparation of filtering media, that is to say installations with machine lines to produce filters and/or technical items.
S.P.M. studies and designs the production system most appropriate to Customer’s needs and then manufactures the machines, providing support and staff training for an optimal start of the production
SPM develops two main lines of machines:
- design and production of machines for processing polyurethane materials: casting of reagents materials (polyurethane or epoxy resin), curing and calibration;
- design and production of machines for processing filtering media, treatment and preparation (pre-cutting, marking, pleating, side banding, cutting, stabilization, etc.)
Thanks to the competence of the company staff and to the high quality of its products, SPM is able to provide its customers with a wide range of standard or customized machines, for complete production lines.
The strength of S.P.M. is the study, in collaboration with the customer, of the production system most suited to its specific needs and the subsequent realization of the designed machines or lines, the start of production and a fast and precise after-sales service.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Automobilfilter
- Dichtungen für Filter
- Dosieranlagen
- Drahtgewebe-Faltmaschinen
- Faltmaschinen
- Filterpatronen
- Heißleimgeräte
- Hepa-/Minipleat Faltmaschine
- Kabinenfilter - Produktionsfilter
- Klebstoffauftragsysteme
- Luftfilter
- Messerfaltmaschinen
- Mischanlagen
- Paneelfilter-Anlagen
- Rotationsfaltmaschinen
- Schneidesysteme
- Schneidesysteme für Faltfilter
- Spezialmaschinen Filtrationsindustrie
Market Scope
- Agrarwirtschaft
- Automobilindustrie
- Chemische Industrie
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
- Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie
- Medizintechnik, Health Care Industrie
- Mineralöl/Öl/Gasproduktion
- Petrochemische Industrie
- Pharmazeutische Industrie
- Schwerindustrie
Product Index
- Adhesive Application Systems
- Air Filters
- Automotive Filters
- Cabin Air Filter Production Line
- Cutting Systems
- Filter Cartridges
- Gaskets for Filters
- HEPA-/Mini Pleating Machines
- Hot-Melt Type Applications
- Knife Pleating Machines
- Metering Systems
- Mixing Systems
- Panel Filter Lines
- Pleated Filter Cutting Systems
- Pleating Machines
- Rotary Pleaters
- Special Machinery Filtration Industry
- Wire Mesh Pleaters
Market Scope
- Aerospace Industry
- Agriculture
- Automotive Industry
- Chemical Industries
- Filtration and Separation Industry
- Heavy Industry
- Medical, Health Care Industry
- Mineral / Oil / Gas Production
- Petrochemical Industry
- Pharmaceutical Industry
Product Index
- 刀片式打褶机
- 加药
- 打褶机
- 折叠式过滤器切割系统
- 旋转式打褶机
- 机舱空气过滤器生产线
- 汽车过滤器
- 混合系统
- 滤筒
- 热熔型应用
- 特种工程机 械工业过滤
- 空气过滤器
- 粘合应用系统
- 裁切系统
- 过滤器垫片
- 重型金属丝网Pleaters的
- 面板式过滤器生产线
- 高效粒子空气/迷你打褶机
Market Scope
- 农业
- 汽车工业
- 制药工业
- 化学工业
- 医疗卫生保健业
- 石化工业
- 矿产/石油/天然气业
- 航空航天业
- 过滤与分离工业
- 重工业
Product Index
- آلات تصنيع فلاتر HEPA بالصفائح الصغيرة
- أنظمة القطع تصفية مطوي
- أنظمة تطبيقية للمواد الاصقة
- الثقيلة Pleaters شبكة أسلاك
- الجرعات
- المقصورة خط إنتاج فلتر الهواء
- تطبيقات تميع الشريط الحراري
- خاصة صناعة الآلات الترشيح
- خراطيش فلتر
- خطوط فلاتر صفائحية
- فلاتر اسطوانية دورانية
- فلاتر السيارات
- فلاتر الهواء
- مانعات تسرب للفلاتر
- مكنات تصفيح
- مكنات طي
- نظام الاختلاط
- وحدات قطع
Market Scope
- إنتاج المعادن والزيوت والغاز
- الصناعات الثقيلة
- الصناعات الدوائية
- الصناعات الطبية والعناية الصحية
- الصناعة البتروكيماوية
- الصناعة الكيماوية
- الهندسة المعمارية
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
- صناعة السيارات
- صناعة الفضاء
Product Index
- Cartouches de filtres
- Filtres automobiles
- Filtres à air
- Joints pour filtres
- Lignes de panneaux de filtres
- Machines de plissage à couteaux
- Machines spéciales pour l’industrie filtration
- Machines à plisser HEPA
- Plisseurs treillis métallique
- Plisseuses
- Plisseuses rotatives
- Systèmes de coupe
- Systèmes de coupe pour filtre plissé
- Systèmes de dosage
- Systèmes d’application d’adhésifs
- Systèmes pour application à chaud
- production en ligne de filtre à air de cabine
- système de mélange
Market Scope
- Agriculture
- Industrie automobile
- Industrie aérospatiale
- Industrie chimique
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
- Industrie lourde
- Industrie médicale et de la santé
- Industrie pharmaceutique
- Industrie pétrochimique
- Productions minérales / pétrolière / du gaz
Product Index
- Aggraffatrici
- Aggraffatrici a coltello
- Aggraffatrici per rete
- Aggraffatrici rotanti
- Applicazioni fuse
- Cartucce filtri
- Filtri aria
- Filtri settore automobilistico
- Guarnizioni per gas
- Linee di produzione filtri aria abitacolo
- Linee filtri a pannello
- Macchinari speciali Industria filtrazione
- Mini aggraffatrici Hepa
- Sistemi di applicazione collanti
- Sistemi di dosaggio
- Sistemi di miscelatura
- Sistemi di taglio
- Sistemi di taglio filtro piegato
Market Scope
- Agricoltura
- Produzioni minerali / petrolio / gas
- Settore aerospaziale
- Settore automobilistico
- Settore chimico
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
- Settore industria pesante
- Settore medicale e sanità
- Settore parafarmaceutico
- Settore petrolchimico
Product Index
- Aplikacja kleju topliwego
- Filtry kasetowe
- Filtry powietrza
- Filtry samochodowe
- Linie produkcyjne kabinowych filtrów powietrza
- Maszyny do plisowania
- Maszyny do plisowania filtrów HEPA/minipleat
- Nasadki do plisowania filtrów z siatki metalowej
- Obrotowe urządzenia do plisowania
- Specjalny sprzęt Systemy filtracyjne
- System cięcia plisowanych filtrów
- Systemy aplikacji klejów
- Systemy mieszania
- Systemy tnące
- Układ dozowania
- Urządzenia do plisowania
- Uszczelki do filtrów
- Wkłady filtra
Market Scope
- Filtrowanie i separacja
- Ochrona zdrowia
- Przemysł chemiczny
- Przemysł ciężki
- Przemysł farmaceutyczny
- Przemysł lotniczy
- Przemysł petrochemiczny
- Przemysł samochodowy
- Rolnictwo
- Wydobycie minerałów, ropy i gazu
Product Index
- Aplicações de cola termofusível
- Cartuchos filtrantes
- Filtros de ar
- Filtros para automóveis
- Instalações de filtros de painéis
- Máquinas de plissar
- Máquinas de plissar Mini/HEPA
- Máquinas de plissar com lâminas
- Máquinas especiais para a indústria filtração
- Pleaters malha de arame
- Plissadores rotativos
- Sistemas de aplicação de adesivos
- Sistemas de corte
- Sistemas de dosagem
- Vedações para filtros
- linha de produção de de ar de cabine de filtro
- sistema de mistura
- sistemas de corte para Filtro de pregas
Market Scope
- Agricultura
- Indústria aeroespacial
- Indústria automóvel
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
- Indústria farmacêutica
- Indústria médica, cuidados de saúde
- Indústria pesada
- Indústria petroquímica
- Indústrias químicas
- Produção mineral / óleo / gás
Product Index
- Pleaters Тяжелых условиях сетка
- Автомеханические фильтры
- Воздушные фильтры
- Воздушный фильтр производственная линия
- Гофрировальные станки
- Гофрировальные станки для изготовления крупных фильтров
- Гофрировальные станки для изготовления фильтров тонкой очистки / малых фильтров
- Линии по производству фильтровальных панелей
- Область применения плавких клеев
- Прокладки фильтров
- Режущая система гофрированный фильтр
- Ротационные гофрировальные станки
- Системы нанесения клеящего состава
- Системы рубок
- Смесительная система
- Специальное оборудование – Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
- Фильтрующие патроны
- дозирование
Market Scope
- Авиакосмическая промышленность
- Автомобильная промышленность
- Добыча минералов/ нефти/ газа
- Медицина, здравоохранение
- Нефтехимическая промышленность
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
- Сельское хозяйство
- Тяжёлая промышленность
- Фармацевтическая промышленность
- Химическая промышленность
Product Index
- Aplicaciones de tipo de fusión en caliente
- Cartuchos de filtro
- Filtros de aire
- Filtros de automoción
- Juntas para filtros
- Líneas de filtros de paneles
- Maquinaria especial industr. filtración
- Máquinas de plisar
- Máquinas de plisar /HEPA
- Máquinas de plisar con cuchilla
- Plisadoras giratorias
- Sistemas de Corte para filtro plisado
- Sistemas de aplicación de adhesivos
- Sistemas de corte
- Sistemas de dosificación
- línea de producción para Filtro de aire en cabina
- sistema de mezcla
- Pleaters malla de alambre
Market Scope
- Agricultura
- Industria aeroespacial
- Industria de la automoción
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
- Industria farmacéutica
- Industria médica, de la atención sanitaria
- Industria pesada
- Industria petroquímica
- Industrias químicas
- Producción de minerales / petróleo / gas
Product Index
- Ağır Hizmet Tipi Çelik Hasır Plise Makineleri
- Bıçak Plise Makineleri
- Döner Plise Makineleri
- Filtre Contaları
- Filtre Kartuşları
- HEPA-/Mini Plise Makineleri
- Hava Filtreleri
- Isı Eritmeli Uygulamalar
- Kabin Filtresi Üretim Hattı
- Kesme Sistemleri
- Otomobil Filtreleri
- Panel Filtre Hatları
- Pileli Filtre Kesme Sistemleri
- Plise Makineleri
- Yapıştırıcı Uygulama Sistemleri
- karıştırma Sistemi
- sistemleri doz
- Özel Makineler Filtrasyon Endüstrisi
Market Scope
- Ağır Sanayi
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
- Havacılık Endüstrisi
- Kimya Endüstrisi
- Mineral / Petrol / Gaz Üretimi
- Otomotiv Endüstrisi
- Petrokimya Endüstrisi
- Tarım
- Tıp, Sağlık Sektörü
- İlaç Endüstrisi
Product Index
- HEPA-/미니 주름 기계
- 공기 필터
- 나이프 주름 기계
- 속건성 도포
- 자동차 필터
- 절단 시스템
- 접착제 도포 시스템
- 주름 기계
- 철망 플리터
- 측정 시스템
- 캐빈 에어 필터 생산 라인
- 특수 기계 여과 산업
- 패널 필터 라인
- 플리티드 필터 절단 시스템
- 필터 카트리지
- 필터용 가스켓
- 혼합 시스템
- 회전 플리터
Market Scope
- 광물 / 석유 / 가스 생산
- 농업
- 석유화학 산업
- 여과 및 분리 산업
- 의료, 보건 산업
- 자동차 산업
- 제약 산업
- 중공업
- 항공우주 산업
- 화학 산업
Product Index
- HEPA・ミニプリーツマシン
- エアフィルター
- カッティングシステム
- キャビン用エアフィルターの生産ライン
- ナイフプリーツ装置
- パネルフィルターライン
- フィルターカートリッジ
- フィルター用ガスケット
- プリーツフィルター切断システム
- プリーツマシン
- ホットメルトタイプの用途
- ロータリープリーター
- ワイヤーメッシュプリーター
- 接着剤塗布システム
- 混合システム
- 特殊機械 濾過産業
- 自動車用フィルター
- 計量システム
Market Scope
- 化学工業
- 医療、ヘルスケア業界
- 医薬品業界
- 濾過および分離技術工業
- 石油化学工業
- 自動車産業
- 航空宇宙産業
- 農業
- 重工業
- 鉱物・石油・ガス生産
What's new
SPM TAILOR MADE MACHINERY - Innovation and Customisation According to Production Needs
SPM is a company specialising in designing and manufacturing machinery for the processing of two-component polyurethane materials and the handling and preparation of filter media.
SPM's great know-how, enriched thanks to the knowledge handed down by generations of experienced entrepreneurs in the manufacturing sector, has allowed the company to grow internationally. In order to better meet the specific needs of our business partners, the continuous specialisation of the Technical Department has oriented SPM's activities towards greater customisation of solutions.
Our Technical Department studies and designs the most suitable system for production needs, through the creation of state-of-the-art machinery and providing complete support, from personnel training to the optimal start-up of production.
S.P.M. is dedicated to innovative, flexible solutions for our partners' efficiency and quality objectives. Just put us to the test to find out how and how much we can grow your production.
In our vision today, Service becomes even more important, and for this reason, in addition to technical assistance, training, and sales consulting, we are thinking of new and innovative ideas that can accompany our Partners in their activities with total transparency.
SPM proposes to maintain 3 fundamental choices as simple as possible:
- quality of products
- excellence of services
- Worldwide sales and service network
Our services designed for you:
- design
- installation
- training
- assistance
- revamping
Speaking of Revamping... in the last few years it has become an important demand from the market so our team has equipped itself to respond wisely to this need.
Our method? We work on all industry brands, following inspection of the machine we make an initial quotation.
Following acceptance of the work, we take care of everything from handling to dismantling and return. Our partner will receive a detailed quotation at the end of disassembly with a final cost statement for full transparency of the activities.
We are committed to Logistics Management, short processing times, and high material and work quality. A Work Report Folder is issued upon return.
Make a tailor-made Italian choice for your business.
What's new
New 91XFP Pleat Forming, machine for processing filter media up to 600mm wide
The continuous development of technical solutions allowed the creation of the new 91XFP Pleat Forming, machine for processing filter media up to 600mm wide, with longitudinal pre-cutting device and automatic deposit of glue lines, RECREATING THE PLEAT, in order to obtain the spacing of the pleat itself or to obtain spaced elements with sealed edges.
What's new
90XSB Side Banding machine for the production of panel filters
Continuous research allows the development of new technical solutions with the aim of making the lines of machines more and more performing and customized.
The 90XSB Side Banding machine, developed by S.P.M. for the production of panel filters, has evolved and allows the creation of a wider and wider range of filters, even up to 600mm in width, with various pleat pitch sizes, with the automated application of bands for the lateral closing of the filter, also with profiles of different shapes such as the “L” or “C” profile.
It also allows to stabilize the pleated media with the automatic application of lines of hot-melt glue or tapes glued on the crest of the fold.