SPÖRL KG Hall 8 / B13

Exhibitor Profile

Metalldrahtgewebe aus allen verwebbaren Materialien, mit Maschenweite von 20 µm bis 16,00 mm und ab einer absoluten Filterfeinheit von 5 µm bei Filtergeweben. Neben der Produktion von Metalldrahtgeweben ist man auf die Weiterverarbeitung in Stanz- und Formteile, Filtereinsätze, mehrlagige Verbundgewebe, konfektionierte Teile, etc. Zertifiziert nach DIN ISO 9001.

- Sieb- und Filtergewebe
- Siebspannservice
- gesintertes Gewebe

Spörl KG produces woven wire cloth from all weavable materials square mesh weaves from 20 microns to 16,00 mm filter meshes down to 5 microns absolute rating.

The woven mesh is also fabricated into parts cut to shape and size, filter elements, composite cloth, etc. certificated DIN ISO 9001

  • wire cloth for sieving and filtration
  • screentension
  • sintered and composite cloth

Products / Markets

Product Index

  • Abwasserfilter
  • Filterelemente
  • Filtergewebe
  • Filterpatronen
  • Filterplatten
  • Filtertücher
  • Gasfilter
  • Gewebe
  • Gewebefilter
  • Heißgasfilter
  • Kerzenfilter
  • Korbfilter
  • Patronenfilter
  • Rückspülfilter
  • Scheibenfilter
  • Siebe
  • Trommelfilter
  • Wasserfilter

Market Scope

  • Automobilindustrie
  • Chemische Industrie
  • Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
  • Kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie
  • Lebensmittel-,Getränkeindustrie
  • Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie
  • Medizintechnik, Health Care Industrie
  • Pharmazeutische Industrie
  • Wasserbehandlung, versorgung

Product Index

  • Back Flush Filters
  • Basket Filters (Strainers)
  • Candle Filters
  • Cartridge Filters
  • Disc Filters
  • Drum Filters
  • Filter Cartridges
  • Filter Cloth
  • Filter Elements
  • Filter Fabrics
  • Filter Plates
  • Gas Filters
  • Hot-Gas Filters
  • Sieves
  • Waste Water Filters
  • Water Filters
  • Wire/Wowens
  • Wirecloth Filters

Market Scope

  • Aerospace Industry
  • Automotive Industry
  • Chemical Industries
  • Filtration and Separation Industry
  • Food, Beverage Industry
  • Medical, Health Care Industry
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Plastic Industry
  • Water Treatment, Supply

Product Index

  • 废水过滤器
  • 气体过滤器
  • 水过滤器
  • 滤布
  • 滤布
  • 滤板
  • 滤筒
  • 滤筒
  • 滤芯
  • 烛形过滤器
  • 热气过滤器
  • 盘式过滤器
  • 篮式过滤器
  • 袋式平槽过滤器
  • 金属丝布过滤器
  • 钢丝/绕织
  • 鼓式过滤器

Market Scope

  •  汽车工业
  • 制药工业
  • 化学工业
  • 医疗卫生保健业
  • 塑料工业
  • 水处理、供应
  • 航空航天业
  • 过滤与分离工业
  • 食品、饮料工业

Product Index

  • أسلاك / منسوجات
  • أقمشة فلاتر
  • أكياس فلترة للدفق العالي
  • خراطيش فلتر
  • صفائح فلترة
  • فلاتر اسطوانية
  • فلاتر السلة
  • فلاتر الغازات الحارة
  • فلاتر الكارترج / الخراطيش
  • فلاتر شبكية
  • فلاتر طولانية
  • فلاتر غازات
  • فلاتر قرصية
  • فلاتر ماء
  • فلاتر ماء التصريف
  • فلاتر نسيجية
  • قطع فلاتر
  • مناخل

Market Scope

  • التغذية بالمياه وتصريفها
  • الصناعات الدوائية
  • الصناعات الطبية والعناية الصحية
  • الصناعات الغذائية وصناعة المشروبات
  • الصناعة الكيماوية
  • صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
  • صناعة البلاستيك
  • صناعة السيارات
  • صناعة الفضاء

Product Index

  • Cartouches de filtres
  • Cartouches de filtres
  • Eléments de filtre
  • Fils/tissés
  • Filtres en forme de bougie
  • Filtres en tissus de fils
  • Filtres pour eau usées
  • Filtres à bols
  • Filtres à disques
  • Filtres à eau
  • Filtres à gaz
  • Filtres à gaz chaud
  • Filtres à tambours
  • Plaques de filtres
  • Sacs de filtres de décolmatage
  • Tamis
  • Tissus de filtre
  • Tissus de filtres

Market Scope

  • Industrie automobile
  • Industrie aérospatiale
  • Industrie chimique
  • Industrie de filtration et de séparation
  • Industrie des matières synthétiques
  • Industrie médicale et de la santé
  • Industrie pharmaceutique
  • Industries alimentaires et des boissons
  • Traitement d’eau, alimentation

Product Index

  • Cartucce filtri
  • Elementi filtranti
  • Filtri a cestello (filtri)
  • Filtri a disco
  • Filtri a tamburo
  • Filtri acque reflue
  • Filtri candele
  • Filtri cartuccia
  • Filtri di risciacquo
  • Filtri gas
  • Filtri gas caldi
  • Filtri in tela metallica
  • Filtri per acqua
  • Panno filtrante
  • Piastre di filtraggio
  • Setacci
  • Tessuti
  • Tessuti filtro

Market Scope

  • Settore aerospaziale
  • Settore alimenti e bevande
  • Settore automobilistico
  • Settore chimico
  • Settore filtrazione e separazione
  • Settore medicale e sanità
  • Settore parafarmaceutico
  • Settore plastica
  • Trattamento approvvigionamento acqua

Product Index

  • Elementy filtra
  • Filtry bębnowe
  • Filtry ciśnieniowe
  • Filtry do oczyszczania gorącego gazu
  • Filtry do wody pitnej
  • Filtry gazu
  • Filtry koszowe (sitka)
  • Filtry tarczowe
  • Filtry z tkaniny drucianej
  • Filtry ścieków
  • Filtry świecowe
  • Płytki filtracyjne
  • Sita
  • Tkanina filtracyjna
  • Tkaniny druciane
  • Tkaniny filtracyjne
  • Wkłady filtra
  • Wkłady filtracyjne

Market Scope

  • Filtrowanie i separacja
  • Ochrona zdrowia
  • Przemysł chemiczny
  • Przemysł farmaceutyczny
  • Przemysł lotniczy
  • Przemysł samochodowy
  • Przemysł spożywczy
  • Przemysł tworzyw sztucznych
  • Uzdatnianie wody i zaopatrzenie w wodę

Product Index

  • Cartuchos filtrantes
  • Crivos
  • Elementos filtrantes
  • Filtros de cartuchos
  • Filtros de discos
  • Filtros de gases
  • Filtros de gases quentes
  • Filtros de rede
  • Filtros de saco de águas residuais
  • Filtros de tambor
  • Filtros de tela
  • Filtros de velas
  • Filtros de água
  • Filtros de águas residuais
  • Fio/tecidos
  • Placas de filtros
  • Tecidos filtrantes
  • Tela filtrante

Market Scope

  • Indústria aeroespacial
  • Indústria alimentar, de bebidas
  • Indústria automóvel
  • Indústria de filtragem e separação
  • Indústria dos plásticos
  • Indústria farmacêutica
  • Indústria médica, cuidados de saúde
  • Indústrias químicas
  • Tratamento de água, abastecimento

Product Index

  • Барабанные фильтры
  • Водяные фильтры
  • Газовые фильтры
  • Дисковые фильтры
  • Корзинчатые фильтры
  • Проволока / ткани
  • Рукавные проточные фильтры
  • Свечевые фильтры
  • Сетчатые фильтры
  • Фильтровальные пластины
  • Фильтровальные ткани
  • Фильтрующая ткань
  • Фильтрующие патроны
  • Фильтрующие элементы
  • Фильтры горячих газов
  • Фильтры из металлической сетки
  • Фильтры со сменным фильтрующим элементом
  • Фильтры сточных вод

Market Scope

  • Авиакосмическая промышленность
  • Автомобильная промышленность
  • Медицина, здравоохранение
  • Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
  • Очистка воды, водоснабжение
  • Производство пластмасс
  • Производство продуктов питания и напитков
  • Фармацевтическая промышленность
  • Химическая промышленность

Product Index

  • Alambre/Wowens
  • Cartuchos de filtro
  • Elementos de filtro
  • Filtros de agua
  • Filtros de agua residual
  • Filtros de cartucho
  • Filtros de cesta
  • Filtros de descarga de bolsa
  • Filtros de disco
  • Filtros de gas
  • Filtros de gas caliente
  • Filtros de tambor
  • Filtros de tela de alambre
  • Filtros de vela
  • Placas de filtro
  • Tamices
  • Tejidos de filtro
  • Tela de filtro

Market Scope

  • Industria aeroespacial
  • Industria de la alimentación y las bebidas
  • Industria de la automoción
  • Industria de la filtración y la separación
  • Industria de los plásticos
  • Industria farmacéutica
  • Industria médica, de la atención sanitaria
  • Industrias químicas
  • Tratamiento, suministro de agua

Product Index

  • Atıksu Filtreleri
  • Disk Filtreler
  • Elekler
  • Filtre Bezleri
  • Filtre Elemanları
  • Filtre Kartuşları
  • Filtre Kumaşı
  • Filtre Plakaları
  • Gaz Filtreleri
  • Kartuşlu Filtreler
  • Mum Filtreler
  • Sepet Filtreler
  • Su Filtreleri
  • Sıcak Gaz Filtreleri
  • Tambur Filtreler
  • Tel/Örgülü
  • Ters Yıkamalı Filtreler
  • Örgülü Tel Filtreler

Market Scope

  • Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
  • Gıda, İçecek Endüstrisi
  • Havacılık Endüstrisi
  • Kimya Endüstrisi
  • Otomotiv Endüstrisi
  • Plastik Endüstrisi
  • Su Arıtma, Temin
  • Tıp, Sağlık Sektörü
  • İlaç Endüstrisi

Product Index

  • 가스 필터
  • 거름판
  • 고압 가스 필터
  • 금망 필터
  • 드럼 필터
  • 디스크 필터
  • 물 필터
  • 바스켓 필터(스트레이너)
  • 백 플러시 필터
  • 여과천
  • 우븐 와이어
  • 카트리지 필터
  • 캔들 필터
  • 폐수 필터
  • 필터 엘리먼트
  • 필터 카트리지
  • 필터 패브릭

Market Scope

  • 수질 관리, 수자원 공급
  • 식음료 산업
  • 여과 및 분리 산업
  • 의료, 보건 산업
  • 자동차 산업
  • 제약 산업
  • 플라스틱 산업
  • 항공우주 산업
  • 화학 산업

Product Index

  • ふるい
  • カートリッジ・フィルター
  • ガスフィルター
  • キャンドルフィルター
  • ディスクフィルター
  • ドラムフィルター
  • バスケットフィルター(ストレーナー)
  • バックフラッシュフィルター
  • フィルターエレメント
  • フィルターカートリッジ
  • フィルター布
  • フィルター板
  • ワイヤークロスフィルター
  • ワイヤー・ワウエンス
  • 廃水フィルター
  • 水フィルター
  • 濾過布
  • 高温ガスフィルター

Market Scope

  • プラスチック業界
  • 化学工業
  • 医療、ヘルスケア業界
  • 医薬品業界
  • 水処理および関連製品
  • 濾過および分離技術工業
  • 自動車産業
  • 航空宇宙産業
  • 食品、飲料業界

Conference Presentation/s

Combining mechanical robustness, small pore sizes and high permeabilities in one filter medium

M. Müller*, Spörl KG, Germany

Conference Session: F09 - Enhancement of Filter Media Performance - 2024-11-14, 10:45 - 12:00

At the last Filtech-conference in 2023 the newly developed Betamesh-PLUS as woven wire meshes for energy-efficient filtration processes were presented. Using a woven wire cloth of this weaving type as filter medium, a filtration process with highest separation efficiencies at lowest power consumptions can be realized. With the Betamesh-PLUS, geometric pore sizes down to 5µm can be realized.

Until now, Dutch Twilled Weaves with their low porosity, low free passage area, low dirt-holding capacity and poor cleaning behavior had to be used for this small pore sizes. In the Betamesh-PLUS the wire diameters of the warp and weft as well as the pitches are combined in such a way, that these fabrics are characterized by a high permeability, a high dirt-holding capacity and ideal back flushing properties.

Due to the realized slit-shaped pores and larger number of pores of the Betamesh-PLUS compared to the Dutch Twilled Weaves, they are characterized by a significantly lower increase of the pressure loss with increasing filter loading and thus a longer service life of the filter medium. Also, the removal of deposited particles from the filter medium e. g. by a pulse-jet is much easier compared to the Dutch Twilled Weaves, since the smallest pore is located on the top of the woven wire mesh. A low remaining pressure loss and consequently a low power consumption result.

The finer the mesh, the thinner the used wires must be chosen. However, this also reduces the mechanical stability of the wire mesh. Betamesh-PLUS with its small pore sizes can also be used as a filter layer in so-called composite-cloths so that these fine meshes can also be used under harsh operating conditions. In composite-cloths, the filter layer is bonded to one or more coarser supporting, protection and drainage layers over the entire surface in a high-temperature sintering process.

These further layers are woven wire meshes with a large aperture size made out of relatively thick wires. Using these mechanical very stable coarse supporting layers with their high permeability in the composite-cloths, the ... The other advantageous filtration properties such as the high dirt-holding capacity and the good back-cleaning behavior are also given in the composite-cloths.

Within the paper, the filtration performance of these composite-cloths is analyzed on the basis of the initial pressure loss, the absolute pore size, the dirt-holding capacity, the load-depending separation efficiency and the cleaning behavior. These quantifying parameters are determined experimentally using a flow rate test-rig, an air-solid test-rig and a cleaning test-rig based on DIN ISO 11057 and are compared with the performance of the single-layered Betamesh-PLUS.

The influence of one or two supporting layers in the composite-cloth on the ... To protect the filter layer, a coarse wire cloth, a so-called protection layer, can be sintered as first layer of the composite-cloth onto it. The paper shows how the permeability and dirt-holding capacity, and therefore the service life of the filter medium, is massively reduced using ... Between the protection layer and the filtration layer, a trapped grain can occur, which can no longer be removed during back-cleaning. Back-cleaning tests using pulse-jet cleaning illustrate how these not-removable particles increase the residual pressure loss.

If cylindrical filter elements are subjected to external pressure, the maximum possible pressure until the element buckles depends not only on the geometry but also on the mechanical properties of the filter material used. For the experimental investigation of this maximal pressure, the so-called buckling pressure, a special test-rig was set up, with which it is possible to pressurize filter cylinders of different geometries. In addition to the geometry, the layer structure of the composite-cloth was also varied during the tests. Based on the results ...

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