Exhibitor Profile
The Steinl Group specializes in the production of lanced filter elements. Lanced filter elements can be made from a wide variety of materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, steel, etc..
The great advantage of these filter elements is that they are produced without waste.
The Steinl Group attaches great importance to the quality, precision and durability of its products in order to meet the high demands of industrial production. A wide range of lanced filter elements in various designs are offered to meet specific needs.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Edelstahlfilter
- Filterelemente
- Gewebelaminate, Metal
- Kraftstoff-Filter
- Maschengewebe, Metal
- Perforierte Metalle
- Röhrenfilter
- Tba
Market Scope
Product Index
- Filter Elements
- Fuel Filters
- Meshes, Metal
- Perforated Metals
- Stainless Steel Filters
- Tba
- Tube Filters
- Wire Mesh Laminates, metal
Market Scope
Product Index
- Tba
- 不锈钢过滤器
- 滤芯
- 燃油过滤器
- 穿孔金属板
- 管式过滤器
- 金属网
- 金属网层板
Market Scope
Product Index
- Tba
- أسلاك، معدنية
- رقائق الشبك المعدني
- فلاتر انبوبية
- فلاتر من معادن مقاومة للصدأ
- قطع فلاتر
- معادن مثقبة
- مواد فلاتر المحروقات
Market Scope
Product Index
- Eléments de filtre
- Filtres en acier inoxydable
- Filtres à carburant
- Filtres à tubes
- Laminés en mailles de fil, métalliques
- Mailles métalliques
- Métaux perforés
- Pour être annoncé
Market Scope
Product Index
- Da comunicare
- Elementi filtranti
- Filtri carburante
- Filtri in acciaio inossidabile
- Filtri per tubi
- Laminato a rete, metallo
- Metalli perforati
- Reti, metallo
Market Scope
Product Index
- Elementy filtra
- Filtry paliwa
- Filtry rurowe
- Filtry ze stali nierdzewnej
- Metalowe połączenia wielowarstwowe siatek drucianych
- Perforowane płyty metalowe
- Siatki metalowe
- Zostanie ogłoszona
Market Scope
Product Index
- A ser anunciado
- Elementos filtrantes
- Filtros de aço inoxidável
- Filtros de combustível
- Filtros de tubos
- Laminados de malha metálica
- Malhas, metal
- Metais perfurados
Market Scope
Product Index
- Будет объявлено
- Перфорированные металлы
- Сетки, металлические
- Сетчатые ламинаты, металл
- Топливные фильтры
- Трубные фильтры
- Фильтрующие элементы
- Фильтры из нержавеющей стали
Market Scope
Product Index
- Elementos de filtro
- Filtros de acero inoxidable
- Filtros de combustible
- Filtros de tubo
- Mallas, metal
- Material laminar de malla de alambre, metal.
- Metales perforados
- Se anunciará
Market Scope
Product Index
- Daha sonra bildirilecektir
- Delikli Metaller
- Elekler, Metal
- Filtre Elemanları
- Hasır Tel Tabakaları, metal
- Paslanmaz Çelik Filtreler
- Tüp Filtreler
- Yakıt Filtreleri
Market Scope
Product Index
- 금속 철망 라미네이트
- 금속망
- 스텐레스 스틸 필터
- 연료 필터
- 추후 공개 예정
- 타공판
- 튜브 필터
- 필터 엘리먼트
Market Scope
Product Index
- ステンレス鋼フィルター
- チューブフィルター
- フィルターエレメント
- ワイヤーメッシュラミネート
- 燃料フィルター
- 発表予定
- 穴あきメタル
- 網目