B-Plas Sbrl

Exhibitor Profile
B-Plas is an innovative start-up and benefit corporation, that has developed a new process focused on the recovery of valuable materials from wastewaters.
The B-Plas process minimizes the volumes of sludge to be disposed of, with significant savings on disposal costs, and furthermore converts a significant fraction of the soluble organic carbon (COD equivalent) into PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoates), a renewable, biodegradable and compostable bioplastic.
The B-PLAS process is modular and flexible. It includes a mechanical pre-treatments then an hydrothermal carbonization, which solubilizes part of the carbon and converts the residual solid into hydrochar; then an anaerobic biodigestion transforms the soluble carbon into volatile fatty acids. The suspension is separated with a filter press, to give highly dehydrated sludge and nutrient-rich waters which are fed to an anoxic aerobic digester, which converts the organic carbon into a PHA-rich biomass.
Finally, the PHA is extracted from the biomass and destined to B2B market.
B-Plas designs and installs a plant as add-on to the existing wastewater treatment plant, fully customized to the specific application, thanks to a deep laboratory testing and engineering of each single step of the process.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Abscheider – Fest/Flüssig
- Abwassersysteme
- Consulting
- Druckfiltration/Entwässerung
- Eindicker
- Entwässerungsanlagen
- Filteranlagen
- Filterpressen
- Forschunganlagen
- Pilotanlagen
- Schlammentwässerung
- Schneckenpressen
Market Scope
- Abwasserwirtschaft
- Chemische Industrie
- Kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie
Product Index
- Consulting
- Dewatering Equipment
- Filter Presses
- Filtration Plants
- Pilot Plants
- Pressure Filtration/Dewatering
- Research Plants
- Screw Presses
- Separators - Solid/Liquid
- Sludge Dewatering
- Thickeners
- Waste Water Systems
Market Scope
- Chemical Industries
- Plastic Industry
- Waste Water Treatment
Product Index
- 分离器 固体/液体
- 压滤/脱水
- 压滤机
- 咨询
- 增稠剂
- 废水系统
- 污泥脱水
- 研究设施
- 螺旋压榨机
- 试验工厂
- 过滤设备
- 除水设备
Market Scope
- 化学工业
- 塑料工业
- 废水处理
Product Index
- أنظمة الصرف الصحي
- الطيار النباتات
- بحث التسهيلات
- سحب المياه من الأوحال
- فلترة بالضغط / نزح المياه
- فواصل المواد الصلبة والسوائل
- مستشار
- معدات ترشيح
- مكابس لولبية
- مكبس فلاتر صفائحي
- مكثفات
- وحدات فلترة
Market Scope
- الصناعة الكيماوية
- صناعة البلاستيك
- معالجة مياه الصرف
Product Index
- Agents épaississants
- Consultant
- Egouttage de boues
- Equipements d’égouttage
- Filtration sous pression/égouttage
- Installation de filtration
- Installations de recherche
- Installations pilotes
- Presses de filtres
- Presses à vis
- Systèmes d'eaux usées
- Séparateurs – solides/liquides
Market Scope
- Industrie chimique
- Industrie des matières synthétiques
- Traitement des eaux usées
Product Index
- Addensanti
- Consulenza
- Disidratazione dei fanghi
- Dispositivi di disidratazione
- Filtrazione/disidratazione a pressione
- Impianti di filtraggio
- Impianti di ricerca
- Impianti pilota
- Presse a vite
- Presse filtranti
- Separatori - solido/liquido
- Sistemi di acque reflue
Market Scope
- Settore chimico
- Settore plastica
- Trattamento acque reflue
Product Index
- Filtracja ciśnieniowa/ odwadnianie
- Instalacje badawcze
- Instalacje pilotażowe
- Odwadnianie osadu
- Ordynacyjny
- Prasy filtracyjne
- Prasy śrubowe
- Separatory - Ciała stałe/ciecze
- Systemy kanalizacyjne
- Urządzenia do odwadniania
- Urządzenia filtracyjne
- Zagęszczacze
Market Scope
- Oczyszczanie ścieków (waste water)
- Przemysł chemiczny
- Przemysł tworzyw sztucznych
Product Index
- Consultando
- Drenagem/filtração sob pressão
- Equipamento de drenagem
- Espessante
- Filtros-prensa
- Instalações de filtração
- Pesquisa Instalações
- Plantas Piloto
- Prensas de parafuso
- Secagem de lamas
- Separadores - sólidos/líquidos
- Sistemas de águas residuais
Market Scope
- Indústria dos plásticos
- Indústrias químicas
- Tratamento de água de despejo
Product Index
- Винтовые прессы
- Дренажное оборудование
- Загустители
- Научно-исследовательских учреждений
- Обезвоживание осадка
- Пилотные установки
- Сепараторы – твердые вещества / жидкости
- Системы сточных вод
- Фильтр-прессы
- Фильтрационные установки
- Фильтрация давлением / обезвоживание
- консалтинг
Market Scope
- Очистка сточных вод
- Производство пластмасс
- Химическая промышленность
Product Index
- Consultante
- Deshidratación de lodos
- Equipo de extracción de agua
- Espesantes
- Filtración/extracción de agua a presión
- Instalaciones de investigación
- Plantas Piloto
- Plantas de filtración
- Prensas de filtro
- Prensas de tornillo
- Separadores - sólido/líquido
- Sistemas de aguas residuales
Market Scope
- Industria de los plásticos
- Industrias químicas
- Tratamiento de aguas residuales
Product Index
- Araştırma Tesisleri
- Arıtma İstasyonları
- Atık Su Sistemleri
- Basınçlı Filtrasyon/Susuzlaştırma
- Danışmanlık
- Filtre Presleri
- Pilot Tesisler
- Separatörler - Katı/Sıvı
- Susuzlaştırma Ekipmanları
- Vidalı Presler
- Yoğunlaştırıcılar
- Çamur Susuzlaştırma
Market Scope
- Atıksu Arıtma
- Kimya Endüstrisi
- Plastik Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 농축기
- 분리기 - 고체/액체
- 스크루 프레스
- 슬러지 탈수
- 압력 여과/탈수
- 압착식 필터
- 연구 시설
- 정수 처리장
- 컨설팅
- 탈수기
- 파일럿 플랜트
- 폐수 시스템
Market Scope
- 폐수 처리
- 플라스틱 산업
- 화학 산업
Product Index
- Consulting
- スクリュープレス
- パイロットプラント
- フィルタープレス
- 分離機 - 固形・液体
- 圧力濾過・脱水
- 増粘剤
- 廃水システム
- 汚泥脱水
- 濾過設備
- 研究用プラント
- 脱水装置
Market Scope
- プラスチック業界
- 化学工業
- 汚水処理