DrM Dr. Mueller AG

Exhibitor Profile
DrM – The specialist for solid/liquid separation
DrM’s products enjoy a worldwide market in various industries in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, steel and food production.
Our FUNDABAC® Filter family comprises a series of equipment specifically adapted for the process industries, with high demand on quality and productivity.
FUNDABAC® wet and dry discharge
The filtered solids are deliquored and discharged by gas back pulse. As an alternative, the cake can be reslurried in another liquid.
CONTIBAC® continuous thickening
This filter type allows continuous filtration without interruption of flow. The solids are flushed back into the liquid and discharged in slurry form.
FUNDALOOP Single-Use Filter – a Single-Use type Filter, with its unique multi-cycle operation capability, back-flushable and developed either for cell recovery or cell removal in batch, fed-batch and continuous/perfusion processes. It is available also with an incorporated discharge opening to allow accumulated solids to be back-flushed. This significantly increases the capacity at minimum footprint and reduces operating cost.
FUNDAMIX® Single-Use Mixer – with its proven vibratory mixing technology, which provides a high mixing efficiency at low shear forces and low energy consumption.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Abscheider – Fest/Flüssig
- Anschwemmfilter
- Automatische Filter
- Edelstahlfilter
- Eindicker
- Einwegfilter
- Filteranlagen
- Kerzenfilter
- Laborfilter
- Labormischer
- Mikrofiltration
- Mischanlagen
- Rückspülfilter
- Selbstreinigende Filter
Market Scope
- Bergbauindustrie
- Biotechnologie/Biopharmazie
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
- Halbleiterindustrie
- Lebensmittel-,Getränkeindustrie
- Mineralöl/Öl/Gasproduktion
- Petrochemische Industrie
- Pharmazeutische Industrie
Product Index
- Automatic Filters
- Back Flush Filters
- Candle Filters
- Disposable Filters
- Filtration Plants
- Laboratory Filters
- Laboratory Mixers
- Microfiltration
- Mixing Systems
- Precoat Filters
- Self Cleaning Filters
- Separators - Solid/Liquid
- Stainless Steel Filters
- Thickeners
Market Scope
- Biotechnology/Biopharmac. Industry
- Filtration and Separation Industry
- Food, Beverage Industry
- Mineral / Oil / Gas Production
- Mining Industry
- Petrochemical Industry
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Semiconductor Industry
Product Index
- 一次性过滤器
- 不锈钢过滤器
- 分离器 固体/液体
- 增稠剂
- 实验室搅拌器
- 实验室过滤器
- 微孔过滤
- 混合系统
- 烛形过滤器
- 自动过滤器
- 自清洁过滤器
- 袋式平槽过滤器
- 过滤设备
- 预涂过滤器
Market Scope
- 制药工业
- 半导体工业
- 生物技术/生物制药业
- 石化工业
- 矿产/石油/天然气业
- 过滤与分离工业
- 采矿业
- 食品、饮料工业
Product Index
- أكياس فلترة للدفق العالي
- الفلترة الميكروية
- خلاطات مخبرية
- فلاتر آلية
- فلاتر أولية
- فلاتر احادية الإستعمال
- فلاتر ذاتية التنظيف
- فلاتر طولانية
- فلاتر مخبرية
- فلاتر من معادن مقاومة للصدأ
- فواصل المواد الصلبة والسوائل
- مكثفات
- نظام الاختلاط
- وحدات فلترة
Market Scope
- إنتاج المعادن والزيوت والغاز
- الصناعات الدوائية
- الصناعات الغذائية وصناعة المشروبات
- الصناعة البتروكيماوية
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
- صناعة أنصاف النواقل
- صناعة التعدين
- صناعة التقنية البيولوجية والبيوصيدلية
Product Index
- Agents épaississants
- Filtres automatiques
- Filtres autonettoyants
- Filtres d'apprêts
- Filtres de laboratoires
- Filtres en acier inoxydable
- Filtres en forme de bougie
- Filtres jetables
- Installation de filtration
- Microfiltration
- Mélangeurs de laboratoires
- Sacs de filtres de décolmatage
- Séparateurs – solides/liquides
- système de mélange
Market Scope
- Industrie biotechnologie/biopharmaceutique
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
- Industrie des semi-conducteurs
- Industrie minière
- Industrie pharmaceutique
- Industrie pétrochimique
- Industries alimentaires et des boissons
- Productions minérales / pétrolière / du gaz
Product Index
- Addensanti
- Filtri a prerivestimento
- Filtri automatici
- Filtri autopulenti
- Filtri candele
- Filtri di laboratorio
- Filtri di risciacquo
- Filtri in acciaio inossidabile
- Filtri monouso
- Impianti di filtraggio
- Microfiltrazione
- Miscelatori di laboratorio
- Separatori - solido/liquido
- Sistemi di miscelatura
Market Scope
- Biotecnologie/biofarmaceutica
- Produzioni minerali / petrolio / gas
- Settore alimenti e bevande
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
- Settore industria dei semiconduttori
- Settore minerario
- Settore parafarmaceutico
- Settore petrolchimico
Product Index
- Filtry automatyczne
- Filtry ciśnieniowe
- Filtry jednorazowe
- Filtry laboratoryjne
- Filtry samooczyszczające
- Filtry z pomocniczą warstwą filtracyjną
- Filtry ze stali nierdzewnej
- Filtry świecowe
- Mieszalniki laboratoryjne
- Mikrofiltracja
- Separatory - Ciała stałe/ciecze
- Systemy mieszania
- Urządzenia filtracyjne
- Zagęszczacze
Market Scope
- Biotechnologia/biofarmaceutyka
- Filtrowanie i separacja
- Produkcja półprzewodników
- Przemysł farmaceutyczny
- Przemysł petrochemiczny
- Przemysł spożywczy
- Przemysł wydobywczy
- Wydobycie minerałów, ropy i gazu
Product Index
- Espessante
- Filtros auto-laváveis
- Filtros automáticos
- Filtros de aço inoxidável
- Filtros de pré-revestimento
- Filtros de saco de águas residuais
- Filtros de velas
- Filtros descartáveis
- Filtros para laboratório
- Instalações de filtração
- Microfiltração
- Misturadores para laboratório
- Separadores - sólidos/líquidos
- sistema de mistura
Market Scope
- Ind. de biotecnologia/biofarmac.
- Indústria alimentar, de bebidas
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
- Indústria de semicondutores
- Indústria farmacêutica
- Indústria mineira
- Indústria petroquímica
- Produção mineral / óleo / gás
Product Index
- Автоматические фильтры
- Загустители
- Лабораторные смесители
- Лабораторные фильтры
- Микрофильтрование
- Намывные фильтры
- Одноразовые фильтры
- Рукавные проточные фильтры
- Самоочищающиеся фильтры
- Свечевые фильтры
- Сепараторы – твердые вещества / жидкости
- Смесительная система
- Фильтрационные установки
- Фильтры из нержавеющей стали
Market Scope
- Биотехнология / Биофармацевтическая промышленность
- Горнодобывающая промышленность
- Добыча минералов/ нефти/ газа
- Нефтехимическая промышленность
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
- Полупроводниковая промышленность
- Производство продуктов питания и напитков
- Фармацевтическая промышленность
Product Index
- Espesantes
- Filtros autolimpiables
- Filtros automáticos
- Filtros de acero inoxidable
- Filtros de descarga de bolsa
- Filtros de laboratorio
- Filtros de revestimiento previo
- Filtros de vela
- Filtros desechables
- Mezcladores de laboratorio
- Microfiltración
- Plantas de filtración
- Separadores - sólido/líquido
- sistema de mezcla
Market Scope
- Industria de la alimentación y las bebidas
- Industria de la biotecnología/biofarmacéutica
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
- Industria de la minería
- Industria de los semiconductores
- Industria farmacéutica
- Industria petroquímica
- Producción de minerales / petróleo / gas
Product Index
- Arıtma İstasyonları
- Kendiliğinden Temizlenen Filtreler
- Laboratuvar Filtreleri
- Laboratuvar Mikserleri
- Mikrofiltrasyon
- Mum Filtreler
- Otomatik Filtreler
- Paslanmaz Çelik Filtreler
- Separatörler - Katı/Sıvı
- Tek Kullanımlık Filtreler
- Ters Yıkamalı Filtreler
- Yoğunlaştırıcılar
- karıştırma Sistemi
- Ön Astarlı Filtreler
Market Scope
- Biyoteknoloji/Biyoeczacılık Endüstrisi
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
- Gıda, İçecek Endüstrisi
- Madencilik Endüstrisi
- Mineral / Petrol / Gaz Üretimi
- Petrokimya Endüstrisi
- Yarıiletken Endüstrisi
- İlaç Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 농축기
- 백 플러시 필터
- 분리기 - 고체/액체
- 스텐레스 스틸 필터
- 실험실 필터
- 실험실 혼합기
- 일회용 필터
- 자동 세척 필터
- 자동 필터
- 정밀 여과
- 정수 처리장
- 캔들 필터
- 프리코트 필터
- 혼합 시스템
Market Scope
- 광물 / 석유 / 가스 생산
- 광업
- 반도체 산업
- 생명공학/생물 약제학 산업
- 석유화학 산업
- 식음료 산업
- 여과 및 분리 산업
- 제약 산업
Product Index
- キャンドルフィルター
- ステンレス鋼フィルター
- セルフクリーニングフィルター
- バックフラッシュフィルター
- プレコートフィルター
- ラボ用フィルター
- ラボ用ミキサー
- 使い捨てフィルター
- 分離機 - 固形・液体
- 増粘剤
- 混合システム
- 濾過設備
- 精密濾過
- 自動フィルター
Market Scope
- バイオテクノロジー・バイオ医薬品産業
- 医薬品業界
- 半導体業界
- 濾過および分離技術工業
- 石油化学工業
- 鉱業
- 鉱物・石油・ガス生産
- 食品、飲料業界
What's new
ContiLoop: Single-use multicycle filter for process intensification
The ContiLoop is the most sophisticated single-use cyclical cake filtration technology available worldwide. The operation of the filter in cycles, allows for back flush capabilities and filter cloth regeneration, a unique way to evade clogging and cloth fouling. The filter bag and manifold can easily and safely be assembled and dissembled following instructions given by the control panel. The cyclical nature allows the user to combine all the benefits of disposable technology while also prolonging the lifespan of one filter cloth.
The Key Benefits of ContiLoop include:
- Very high filtration rate (2-3x higher than depth filters)
- High filtrate quality (on par with depth filters)
- Increased yield in cell recovery and enzyme recovery operations
- Shorter reactor downtime due to reduced cleaning & validation requirements
- Pre-sterilized and validated filter enclosure available for Pharma and Biotech applications
- Reduced heel volume and compaction of solid waste
- Fully enclosed containment made completely of plastics ensuring safe handling and disposal of hazardous components
- Available in 3 sizes
Visit our booth at the event or contact us for optimized filtration and mixing solutions.
Job Offers
Package Engineer - Switzerland
- Title
- Package Engineer
- Function
- Location
- Switzerland
- Languages
- German, English
- Contact Person
- Artemis Ghika
- Contact E-Mail
- artemis.ghika_at_drm.ch
As Package Engineer one of your main activities at the bid stage and/or Project commencement, will be the conceptual design and preparation of GAD (General arrangement layout drawings) for Skid packages; in order to give the Technical Design Office an overall concept of layout and pipe routing. This will ensure the design engineers can progress the detail design smoothly. You will further be required to develop the structural steel frame work design and the layout of other components within the skid package including items such as Pressure vessels, pumps, valves, instruments, cable trays, Junction boxes etc. along with a BOM (Bill of Material). This GAD along with the BOM will then be used as the basis for detailing the Skid package. Expertise with CAD (AutoCAD and/or ProEngineer Wildfire 4), ANSI B31.3 piping code and Steel structure design is mandatory. Experience with Pressure Vessel design (ASME VIII, PED etc.) will be an advantage, but is not mandatory.
You are an independent but team orientated individual, able to take total ownership of a project (circa USD 1M - 10M) at the conceptual stage, work together with our Sales team and Project Management team to provide technical and commercial back-up during the bid stage of the project, identify risk areas and reduce the companies exposure. After project order placement you will be the key individual for finalisation of the design and project, together with the client. You will be responsible for project planning, full budgetary control of the project, negotiation and procurement of all bought-out items of equipment and ensuring the completion of the project is on schedule, within budget and to the satisfaction of the client.
You are a graduate Mechanical Engineer with around 10 years or more work experience. You should preferably have worked in engineering companies and/or in chemical, power or oil & gas industries,
Technical Buyer / Supply Chain Manager - Switzerland
- Title
- Technical Buyer / Supply Chain Manager
- Function
- Location
- Switzerland
- Languages
- English, German
- Contact Person
- Artemis Ghika
- Contact E-Mail
- artemis.ghika_at_drm.ch
We are a worldwide manufacturer of bespoke specialist filtration, mixing and single use systems in the industrial, oil&gas, biotech and chemical sectors. The company head office is located in Switzerland close to the city of Zurich, with sister companies in Shanghai, Poland, India, US and Malaysia. We have trade delegates and agents in the major countries.
Procurement of goods, materials, components or services in line with specified cost, quality and delivery targets
Monitor the status of purchase orders and provide updates to the project management team
Collaborate with key persons to ensure specifications and expectations are met with respect to components and project requirements
Source and build long term relationships with suppliers that are both efficient and cost effective
Conduct supplier evaluations, inspections and reports
Negotiate terms and conditions to secure advantageous terms
Control and handling of order related documentation
Update inventory and manage stock levels
Evaluate and seek ways to improve and enhance the quality of products purchased and the timeliness of deliveries
Procurement process optimisation in collaboration with management and other department procurement members
Define manufacturing processes and create production paperwork
Create parts lists in line with project requirements
Native in German, with an excellent knowledge of English
Proficient in both Microsoft Office and Apple iWork
Technical knowledge is a must, preferably in the field of mechanical engineering
Good time management skills with a clear ability to prioritise tasks
Good analytical and problem solving skills
Good team player, but able to work independently