Fibroline SA Hall 7 / J5

Exhibitor Profile
Fibroline SA has developed and patented various dry impregnation technologies.
These solutions enable us to impregnate various powders into porous structures homogenously thanks to high intensity alternating electric fields.
One main advantage of our technology is no need for water or solvents. This gives no polluting liquid waste or need for energy intensive drying. There are lot of applications in various markets: medical, filtration, composites, technical textile, automotive,...
Focus on Filtration applications:
Filter media can be of various materials depending on the desired properties. Many different powders can be impregnated to capture/extract specific molecules from air or liquids (for example: MOFs (Metal Organic Frameworks), zeolites and ion exchange resins).
The Fibroline technologies give a homogeneous distribution of the particles throughout the porous media. The use of smaller particles will also increase the active area and give higher adsorption capacity and faster adsorption/desorption kinetics.
Promising results are obtained for water treatment (arsenic removal, ion extraction, etc.) as well as for air filtration (capture of hazardous gases in CBRN applications, air dehumidification or odor removal).
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Desodorierung
- Filtergewebe
- Filtermedien f. Flüssigkeiten
- Filtermedien f. Gase
- Gasadsorption
- Luftfilter
- Technische Textilien
- Vliesmaterialien
Market Scope
- Textilindustrie
Product Index
- Air Filters
- Deodorization
- Filter Fabrics
- Filter Media for Gases
- Filter Media for Liquids
- Gas Adsorption
- Nonwovens
- Technical Textiles
Market Scope
- Textile Industry
Product Index
- 工业用纺织品
- 无纺布
- 气体吸附
- 气体过滤器介质
- 液体过滤器介质
- 滤布
- 空气过滤器
- 除臭
Market Scope
- 纺织工业
Product Index
- أقمشة تقنية
- إزالة الرائحة
- امتصاص كيميائي للغازات
- غير المنسوجات / اللانسيج
- فلاتر الهواء
- فلاتر نسيجية
- مواد فلترة السوائل
- مواد فلترة الغازات
Market Scope
- الصناعة النسيجية
Product Index
- Adsorption de gaz
- Désodorisation
- Filtres à air
- Médias de filtre pour gaz
- Médias de filtre pour liquides
- Non tissés
- Textiles techniques
- Tissus de filtres
Market Scope
- Industrie textile
Product Index
- Assorbimento gas
- Deodorazione
- Filtri aria
- Mezzi filtranti per gas
- Mezzi filtranti per liquidi
- Non tessuti
- Tessuti filtro
- Tessuti tecnici
Market Scope
- Settore industria tessile
Product Index
- Adsorbcja gazu
- Deodoryzacja
- Filtry powietrza
- Materiały nietkane
- Media filtrów cieczy
- Media filtrów gazu
- Tekstylia techniczne
- Tkaniny filtracyjne
Market Scope
- Przemysł tekstylny
Product Index
- Adsorção de gases
- Desodorização
- Filtros de ar
- Meios de filtragem para gases
- Meios de filtragem para líquidos
- Não-tecidos
- Tecidos filtrantes
- Têxteis para usos técnicos
Market Scope
- Indústria têxtil
Product Index
- Адсорбция газа
- Воздушные фильтры
- Дезодорирование
- Нетканые материалы
- Технический текстиль
- Фильтровальные ткани
- Фильтрующий материал для газов
- Фильтрующий материал для жидкостей
Market Scope
- Текстильная промышленность
Product Index
- Absorción de gas
- Desodorización
- Filtros de aire
- Medios de filtros para gases
- Medios de filtros para líquidos
- Non-Wowens
- Tejidos de filtro
- Tejidos técnicos
Market Scope
- Industria textil
Product Index
- Deodorizasyon
- Dokunmamış Mamuller
- Filtre Bezleri
- Gaz Adsorpsiyonu
- Gazlar için Filtre Ortamı
- Hava Filtreleri
- Sıvılar için Filtre Ortamı
- Teknik Tekstiller
Market Scope
- Tekstil Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 가스 흡수
- 가스용 여과재
- 공기 필터
- 기능성 섬유
- 부직포
- 액체용 여과재
- 탈취
- 필터 패브릭
Market Scope
- 섬유 산업
Product Index
- エアフィルター
- ガス吸着
- ガス用濾過材
- テクニカル繊維
- フィルター布
- 不織布
- 液体用濾過材
- 脱臭
Market Scope
- 繊維業界