J.S. Lansir Purification Technology Co., Ltd

Exhibitor Profile
1. Protect Equipment
Laboratory, ultra-precision machining.
Purpose: To remove the impurities contained in the polluted air, to ensure that the number of polluted particles in the controlled environment within a controlled range, so that it can reach the state required for production and life, that is to make the air reach a certain degree of cleanliness.
2. Increase human comfort
Office buildings, shopping malls, hospitals, airport terminals and other buildings equipped with central air-conditioning systems.
Installed in household appliances; Household air conditioners (window machines, cabinet machines, ceiling mounted machines) air purifiers, vacuum cleaners, exhaust fans or ventilation fans, and range hoods.
Installed in car air conditioner.
3. Ensure normal production environment
Pharmaceutical factories, chip factories, electronic product factories and other factory workshops that require high cleanliness in the production environment.
In order to achieve the required indoor air quality, we combine different levels of air filters and designs into an efficient multi-stage filtration system, which can provide users with a perfect and reliable overall filtration solution
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Beutel-/Taschenfilter
- Filterplatten
- Glasfaserfilter
- Hepa-Filter
- Kohlefilter
- Luftfilter
- Patronenfilter
- Vakuumfilter
Market Scope
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
- Medizintechnik, Health Care Industrie
Product Index
- Air Filters
- Bag Filters
- Carbon Filters
- Cartridge Filters
- Filter Plates
- Glass Fibre Filter
- HEPA Filters
- Vacuum Filters
Market Scope
- Filtration and Separation Industry
- Medical, Health Care Industry
Product Index
- 活性碳过滤器
- 滤板
- 滤筒
- 玻璃纤维过滤器
- 真空过滤器
- 空气过滤器
- 袋式过滤器
- 高效粒子空气过滤器
Market Scope
- 医疗卫生保健业
- 过滤与分离工业
Product Index
- "فلاتر هواء عالية الفاعلية ""هـيبا"" HEPA"
- أكياس فلترة
- صفائح فلترة
- فلاتر الكارترج / الخراطيش
- فلاتر الهواء
- فلاتر شفط
- فلاتر كربونية
- فلتر صوف زجاجي
Market Scope
- الصناعات الطبية والعناية الصحية
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
Product Index
- Cartouches de filtres
- Filtres HEPA
- Filtres en fibres de verre
- Filtres à air
- Filtres à carbone
- Filtres à sacs
- Filtres à vide
- Plaques de filtres
Market Scope
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
- Industrie médicale et de la santé
Product Index
- Filtri a tasche
- Filtri a vuoto
- Filtri aria
- Filtri carbone
- Filtri cartuccia
- Filtri hepa
- Filtro fibra di vetro
- Piastre di filtraggio
Market Scope
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
- Settore medicale e sanità
Product Index
- Filtry HEPA
- Filtry powietrza
- Filtry próżniowe
- Filtry workowe
- Filtry węglowe
- Filtry z włókna szklanego
- Płytki filtracyjne
- Wkłady filtracyjne
Market Scope
- Filtrowanie i separacja
- Ochrona zdrowia
Product Index
- Filtro de fibra de vidro
- Filtros absolutos (HEPA)
- Filtros de ar
- Filtros de cartuchos
- Filtros de carvão
- Filtros de saco
- Filtros de vácuo
- Placas de filtros
Market Scope
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
- Indústria médica, cuidados de saúde
Product Index
- Вакуумные фильтры
- Воздушные фильтры
- Рукавные фильтры
- Стекловолоконный фильтр
- Угольные фильтры
- Фильтровальные пластины
- Фильтры со сменным фильтрующим элементом
- Фильтры тонкой очистки
Market Scope
- Медицина, здравоохранение
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
Product Index
- Filtro de fibra de vidrio
- Filtros HEPA
- Filtros de aire
- Filtros de bolsa
- Filtros de carbón
- Filtros de cartucho
- Filtros de vacío
- Placas de filtro
Market Scope
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
- Industria médica, de la atención sanitaria
Product Index
- Cam Elyaf Filtre
- Filtre Plakaları
- HEPA Filtreler
- Hava Filtreleri
- Karbon Filtreler
- Kartuşlu Filtreler
- Torba Filtreler
- Vakum Filtreler
Market Scope
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
- Tıp, Sağlık Sektörü
Product Index
- HEPA 필터
- 거름판
- 공기 필터
- 백 필터
- 유리 섬유 필터
- 진공 필터
- 카트리지 필터
- 탄소 필터
Market Scope
- 여과 및 분리 산업
- 의료, 보건 산업
Product Index
- HEPAフィルター
- エアフィルター
- カートリッジ・フィルター
- ガラス繊維フィルター
- バッグフィルター
- フィルター板
- 活性炭フィルター
- 真空フィルター
Market Scope
- 医療、ヘルスケア業界
- 濾過および分離技術工業