Mecvil Special Machinery srl Hall 8 / C15

Exhibitor Profile
Mecvil was founded in 1979 and immediately specializes in specific automation for the filtration sector which over the years will become a reference point for the numerous customers.
It is a factory that has long ago oriented its production on a precise technological basis, with high reliability and productivity characteristics. A common feature of our systems is their strength and multi-purposedness, which permit to integrate, in the same unit, operations or tecnological cycles quite different from one another, all this whith an evident economical advantages. The attention to detail during the design and production phases combined with forty years of experience in the field, allow high levels of efficiency to be reached for any assembly machine requirements.
The mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and software engineering are handled by internal Mecvil staff and the machining of critical mechanical components is made in our internal workshop. The installation of systems is entrusted to Mecvil staff . The work- stations are designed to ensure accessibility for maintenance or changeover. The components used are of high quality, and easily available. Our strength lies in our continuous ability to adapt to customer needs , being able to offer a high level service and able to reach effective and innovative solutions in a short time. The experience gained over the years guarantee today a great internal capacity for managing all types of complexity from design to final testing .
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Automobilfilter
- Hepa-Filter
- Kabinenfilter
- Kabinenfilter - Produktionsfilter
- Kohlefilter
- Luftfilter
- Montagemaschinen
- Spezialmaschinen Filtrationsindustrie
- Ölfilter
Market Scope
- Automobilindustrie
Product Index
- Air Filters
- Automotive Filters
- Cabin Air Filter Production Line
- Cabin Air Filters
- Carbon Filters
- HEPA Filters
- Machinery for Assembly
- Oil Filters
- Special Machinery Filtration Industry
Market Scope
- Automotive Industry
Product Index
- 机舱空气过滤器生产线
- 汽车空调过滤器
- 汽车过滤器
- 活性碳过滤器
- 滤油器
- 特种工程机 械工业过滤
- 空气过滤器
- 组装机
- 高效粒子空气过滤器
Market Scope
- 汽车工业
Product Index
- "فلاتر هواء عالية الفاعلية ""هـيبا"" HEPA"
- آلات التجميع
- المقصورة خط إنتاج فلتر الهواء
- خاصة صناعة الآلات الترشيح
- فلاتر السيارات
- فلاتر المقصورات والحُجرات
- فلاتر الهواء
- فلاتر زيوت
- فلاتر كربونية
Market Scope
- صناعة السيارات
Product Index
- Filtres HEPA
- Filtres automobiles
- Filtres à air
- Filtres à air de cabines
- Filtres à carbone
- Filtres à huile
- Machines d'assemblage
- Machines spéciales pour l’industrie filtration
- production en ligne de filtre à air de cabine
Market Scope
- Industrie automobile
Product Index
- Filtri aria
- Filtri aria abitacolo
- Filtri carbone
- Filtri hepa
- Filtri olio
- Filtri settore automobilistico
- Linee di produzione filtri aria abitacolo
- Macchinari di assemblaggio
- Macchinari speciali Industria filtrazione
Market Scope
- Settore automobilistico
Product Index
- Filtry HEPA
- Filtry oleju
- Filtry powietrza
- Filtry samochodowe
- Filtry węglowe
- Kabinowe filtry powietrza
- Linie produkcyjne kabinowych filtrów powietrza
- Specjalny sprzęt Systemy filtracyjne
- Urządzenia do montażu
Market Scope
- Przemysł samochodowy
Product Index
- Filtros absolutos (HEPA)
- Filtros de ar
- Filtros de ar para cabines
- Filtros de carvão
- Filtros de óleo
- Filtros para automóveis
- Máquinas de montagem
- Máquinas especiais para a indústria filtração
- linha de produção de de ar de cabine de filtro
Market Scope
- Indústria automóvel
Product Index
- Автомеханические фильтры
- Воздушные фильтры
- Воздушный фильтр производственная линия
- Масляные фильтры
- Монтажные машины
- Специальное оборудование – Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
- Угольные фильтры
- Фильтры воздуха в кабине
- Фильтры тонкой очистки
Market Scope
- Автомобильная промышленность
Product Index
- Filtros HEPA
- Filtros de aceite
- Filtros de aire
- Filtros de aire de cabina
- Filtros de automoción
- Filtros de carbón
- Maquinaria especial industr. filtración
- Máquinas de la Asamblea
- línea de producción para Filtro de aire en cabina
Market Scope
- Industria de la automoción
Product Index
- HEPA Filtreler
- Hava Filtreleri
- Kabin Filtresi Üretim Hattı
- Kabin Hava Filtreleri
- Karbon Filtreler
- Meclis Makineleri
- Otomobil Filtreleri
- Yağ Filtreleri
- Özel Makineler Filtrasyon Endüstrisi
Market Scope
- Otomotiv Endüstrisi
Product Index
- HEPA 필터
- 공기 필터
- 오일 필터
- 자동차 필터
- 조립용 기계 부품
- 캐빈 에어 필터
- 캐빈 에어 필터 생산 라인
- 탄소 필터
- 특수 기계 여과 산업
Market Scope
- 자동차 산업
Product Index
- HEPAフィルター
- エアフィルター
- オイルフィルター
- キャビン用エアフィルター
- キャビン用エアフィルターの生産ライン
- 活性炭フィルター
- 特殊機械 濾過産業
- 組立用機械
- 自動車用フィルター
Market Scope
- 自動車産業