Poretech Instrument Inc Hall 7 / R37

Exhibitor Profile
Poretech Instrument Inc. is a global leader in the design and manufacture of precision instruments for pore size measurement and characterization, with over 30 years of experience.
Our entire range of advanced instruments is designed, assembled, and manufactured in Taiwan, ensuring the highest standards of quality and reliability. We offer customized solutions and sample testing services to meet diverse client needs.
With offices in Canada, India, Taiwan, China, and Malaysia, and a distributor network across 15+ countries, PTI provides comprehensive global support.
For the Through Pore Analysis in Porous Materials: (500um~2nm)
- Capillary Flow Porometer (CFP),
- Hydro-Liquid Porometer (HLP)
- Ultra Nano Porometer (UNP)
- Hollow Fiber Tester
- Bubble Point Tester
- Test Results: Pore size (distribution), mean flow pore size, bubble point, gas permeability
- Applications:Filtration, Nonwovens, Fuel Cell, Water purification, Pharmaceutical, Health Care, Hygienic products...
For both Through-pores and Blind-pores Analysis in hydrophobic materials: (0.2um~0.3nm)
- Hydropore Porosimeter (Water Intrusion Porosimeter), Mercury FREE!
- Test Results: pore volume (distribution), porosity, pore size distribution
- Applications: Polymer films, solids, ceramics, powder samples...
For the analysis of Gas, Liquid & Vapor Permeation:
- Gas Permeability Tester: Gurley, Darcy Law, Frazier, C-522
- Liquid Permeability Tester: Darcy, ultra-low flow detection
- Diffusion Permeameter
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Porengrößenmessgerät
- Prüfdienstleistungen
Market Scope
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
Product Index
- Pore Size Meter
- Testing Services
Market Scope
- Filtration and Separation Industry
Product Index
- 孔径分析仪
- 测试服务
Market Scope
- 过滤与分离工业
Product Index
- حجم المسام محلل
- خدمات الاختبار
Market Scope
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
Product Index
- Analyseur de taille des pores
- Services de contrôle
Market Scope
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
Product Index
- Misuratore dimensioni pori
- Servizi di verifica
Market Scope
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
Product Index
- Pomiar wielkości porów
- Usługi testowania
Market Scope
- Filtrowanie i separacja
Product Index
- Analisador de tamanho de poros
- Serviços de teste
Market Scope
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
Product Index
- Обслуживание Тестирования
- Пор по размерам анализатора
Market Scope
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
Product Index
- Analizador de tamaño de poro
- Servicios de Pruebas
Market Scope
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
Product Index
- Gözenek Boyutu Ölçüm Cihazı
- test Hizmetleri
Market Scope
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 기공도 측정기
- 테스트 서비스
Market Scope
- 여과 및 분리 산업
Product Index
- 細孔径測定器
- 試験サービス
Market Scope
- 濾過および分離技術工業
What's new
A global enterprise with specialization in manufacturing of pore size measuring instruments and pore characterization services.
The team of Poretech Instrument consists of engineers and scientists having core experience in pore size characterization of porous materials.
With more than 30+ years’ experience, Poretech provides a wide array of pore size testing instruments for both academics and industry to meet their various R&D and QC/QA applications. Poretech instrument can measure surface area, density, pore size distribution based on volume and flow. Our customers includes researchers and QC/QA professionals working in the areas of non-woven, membranes, air -liquid filtration, paper & pulp, battery separators, powders, pharmaceuticals, porous materials, healthcare and oil & gas industry.
Poretech instrument has direct offices in Canada, India, Taiwan, China & Malaysia backed by an experienced global distributor network in more than 15+ countries.