Roth Composite Machinery Hall 8 / A21

Exhibitor Profile
Your Performance - Made by Roth
Roth Composite Machinery GmbH are ranging the tailor-made solutions being offered for your technical requirements.
We offer a worldwide extensive, high-performance machine program for your pleating production procedures.
Every working widths and pleat heights can be realized. We develop a specific mechanical solution for you resulting in the decisive advantage in the market competition. Benefit from our broadly based range of products comprising our core business of mechanical and servo motor-controlled knife pleating as well as rotary pleating machines. Due to the modular design, we enable you to integrate our peripheral units, such as unwinding devices, cross-cutters and minipleat systems, in order to realize highly productive processing lines.
Roth Composite Machinery offers you the professional attitude, many years of expertise of our employees as well as the financial strength of an international group combined with the flexibility and rapidness of a medium-sized company.
Together we will form the basis for a successful cooperation.
Send us your requirements or specification and our team will design your plant.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Drahtgewebe-Faltmaschinen
- Faltmaschinen
- Filterverklebung
- Forschunganlagen
- Hepa-/Minipleat Faltmaschine
- Kabinenfilter - Produktionsfilter
- Klebstoffauftragsysteme
- Längsschneider
- Mehrnutzenfaltlinien
- Messerfaltmaschinen
- Paneelfilter-Anlagen
- Rotationsfaltmaschinen
- Schneidesysteme
- Schneidesysteme für Faltfilter
- Spezialmaschinen Filtrationsindustrie
- Spezialmaschinen Textilindustrie
Market Scope
- Automobilindustrie
- Biotechnologie/Biopharmazie
- Chemische Industrie
- Filtrations- und Separationsindustrie
- Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie
- Medizintechnik, Health Care Industrie
- Pharmazeutische Industrie
- Umweltschutz
- Wasserbehandlung, versorgung
- Zellstoff-, Papierindustrie
Product Index
- Adhesive Application Systems
- Adhesive Application for Filters
- Cabin Air Filter Production Line
- Cutting Systems
- HEPA-/Mini Pleating Machines
- Knife Pleating Machines
- Multiple Web Pleating Lines
- Panel Filter Lines
- Pleated Filter Cutting Systems
- Pleating Machines
- Research Plants
- Rotary Pleaters
- Slitter
- Special Machinery Filtration Industry
- Special Machinery Textile Industry
- Wire Mesh Pleaters
Market Scope
- Aerospace Industry
- Automotive Industry
- Biotechnology/Biopharmac. Industry
- Chemical Industries
- Environmental Protection
- Filtration and Separation Industry
- Medical, Health Care Industry
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Pulp, Paper Industry
- Water Treatment, Supply
Product Index
- 刀片式打褶机
- 剪切机
- 复式网状打褶生产线
- 打褶机
- 折叠式过滤器切割系统
- 旋转式打褶机
- 机舱空气过滤器生产线
- 特种工程机 械工业过滤
- 研究设施
- 粘合应用系统
- 纺织工业专用机器
- 裁切系统
- 过滤器粘合应用
- 重型金属丝网Pleaters的
- 面板式过滤器生产线
- 高效粒子空气/迷你打褶机
Market Scope
- 汽车工业
- 制药工业
- 化学工业
- 医疗卫生保健业
- 水处理、供应
- 环境保护
- 生物技术/生物制药业
- 纸浆、造纸工业
- 航空航天业
- 过滤与分离工业
Product Index
- آلات تصنيع فلاتر HEPA بالصفائح الصغيرة
- أنظمة القطع تصفية مطوي
- أنظمة تطبيقية للمواد الاصقة
- الثقيلة Pleaters شبكة أسلاك
- المقصورة خط إنتاج فلتر الهواء
- بحث التسهيلات
- تطبيقات مواد لاصقة خاصة بالفلاتر
- خاصة صناعة الآلات الترشيح
- خطوط إنتاج الشبك المضاعف
- خطوط فلاتر صفائحية
- صناعة نسيجية خاصة
- فلاتر اسطوانية دورانية
- قاطعات
- مكنات تصفيح
- مكنات طي
- وحدات قطع
Market Scope
- التغذية بالمياه وتصريفها
- الصناعات الدوائية
- الصناعات الطبية والعناية الصحية
- الصناعة الكيماوية
- الصناعة الورقية
- صناعات الفلترة وفصل المواد
- صناعة الألبان
- صناعة التقنية البيولوجية والبيوصيدلية
- صناعة السيارات
- صناعة الفضاء
Product Index
- Application d’adhésifs pour filtres
- Installations de recherche
- Lignes de panneaux de filtres
- Lignes de plissage à toiles multiples
- Machines de plissage à couteaux
- Machines spéciales pour l’industrie filtration
- Machines spéciales pour l’industrie textile
- Machines à plisser HEPA
- Plisseurs treillis métallique
- Plisseuses
- Plisseuses rotatives
- Refendeuses
- Systèmes de coupe
- Systèmes de coupe pour filtre plissé
- Systèmes d’application d’adhésifs
- production en ligne de filtre à air de cabine
Market Scope
- Industrie automobile
- Industrie aérospatiale
- Industrie biotechnologie/biopharmaceutique
- Industrie chimique
- Industrie de filtration et de séparation
- Industrie de la pâte de cellulose et du papier
- Industrie laitière
- Industrie médicale et de la santé
- Industrie pharmaceutique
- Traitement d’eau, alimentation
Product Index
- Aggraffatrici
- Aggraffatrici a coltello
- Aggraffatrici per rete
- Aggraffatrici rotanti
- Applicazione collanti per filtri
- Impianti di ricerca
- Linee di piegatura multiple
- Linee di produzione filtri aria abitacolo
- Linee filtri a pannello
- Macchinari speciali Industria filtrazione
- Macchinari speciali Industria tessile
- Mini aggraffatrici Hepa
- Sistemi di applicazione collanti
- Sistemi di taglio
- Sistemi di taglio filtro piegato
- Taglierina
Market Scope
- Biotecnologie/biofarmaceutica
- Protezione ambientale
- Settore aerospaziale
- Settore automobilistico
- Settore chimico
- Settore filtrazione e separazione
- Settore industria dell carta e della cellulosa
- Settore medicale e sanità
- Settore parafarmaceutico
- Trattamento approvvigionamento acqua
Product Index
- Aplikacja klejów do filtrów
- Filtry kasetowe
- Instalacje badawcze
- Linie do plisowania filtrów
- Linie produkcyjne kabinowych filtrów powietrza
- Maszyny do plisowania
- Maszyny do plisowania filtrów HEPA/minipleat
- Nasadki do plisowania filtrów z siatki metalowej
- Nóż
- Obrotowe urządzenia do plisowania
- Specjalny sprzęt Przemysł tekstylny
- Specjalny sprzęt Systemy filtracyjne
- System cięcia plisowanych filtrów
- Systemy aplikacji klejów
- Systemy tnące
- Urządzenia do plisowania
Market Scope
- Biotechnologia/biofarmaceutyka
- Filtrowanie i separacja
- Ochrona zdrowia
- Ochrona środowiska
- Przemysł celulozowo-papierniczy
- Przemysł chemiczny
- Przemysł farmaceutyczny
- Przemysł lotniczy
- Przemysł samochodowy
- Uzdatnianie wody i zaopatrzenie w wodę
Product Index
- Aplicação de adesivos para filtros
- Guilhotinas
- Instalações de filtros de painéis
- Linhas de plissagem de membranas múltiplas
- Máquinas de plissar
- Máquinas de plissar Mini/HEPA
- Máquinas de plissar com lâminas
- Máquinas especiais para a indústria filtração
- Máquinas especiais para a indústria têxtil
- Pesquisa Instalações
- Pleaters malha de arame
- Plissadores rotativos
- Sistemas de aplicação de adesivos
- Sistemas de corte
- linha de produção de de ar de cabine de filtro
- sistemas de corte para Filtro de pregas
Market Scope
- Ind. de biotecnologia/biofarmac.
- Indústria aeroespacial
- Indústria automóvel
- Indústria de filtragem e separação
- Indústria farmacêutica
- Indústria leiteira
- Indústria médica, cuidados de saúde
- Indústrias químicas
- Pasta, indústria do papel
- Tratamento de água, abastecimento
Product Index
- Pleaters Тяжелых условиях сетка
- Воздушный фильтр производственная линия
- Гофрировальные станки
- Гофрировальные станки для изготовления крупных фильтров
- Гофрировальные станки для изготовления фильтров тонкой очистки / малых фильтров
- Линии многослойного гофрирования
- Линии по производству фильтровальных панелей
- Нанесение клеящего состава для фильтров
- Научно-исследовательских учреждений
- Режущая система гофрированный фильтр
- Ротационные гофрировальные станки
- Системы нанесения клеящего состава
- Системы рубок
- Специальное оборудование – Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
- Специальное оборудование – Текстильная промышленность
- Устройство для продольной резки
Market Scope
- Авиакосмическая промышленность
- Автомобильная промышленность
- Биотехнология / Биофармацевтическая промышленность
- Бумажная промышленность
- Медицина, здравоохранение
- Молочная промышленность
- Отрасль фильтрации и сепарирования
- Очистка воды, водоснабжение
- Фармацевтическая промышленность
- Химическая промышленность
Product Index
- Aplicación adhesiva para filtros
- Instalaciones de investigación
- Líneas de filtros de paneles
- Líneas de plisar bandas múltiples
- Maquinaria especial industr. filtración
- Maquinaria especial industr. textil
- Máquinas de plisar
- Máquinas de plisar /HEPA
- Máquinas de plisar con cuchilla
- Plisadoras giratorias
- Ranuradora
- Sistemas de Corte para filtro plisado
- Sistemas de aplicación de adhesivos
- Sistemas de corte
- línea de producción para Filtro de aire en cabina
- Pleaters malla de alambre
Market Scope
- Industria aeroespacial
- Industria de la automoción
- Industria de la biotecnología/biofarmacéutica
- Industria de la filtración y la separación
- Industria de la pasta de madera, el papel
- Industria de los productos lácteos
- Industria farmacéutica
- Industria médica, de la atención sanitaria
- Industrias químicas
- Tratamiento, suministro de agua
Product Index
- Araştırma Tesisleri
- Ağır Hizmet Tipi Çelik Hasır Plise Makineleri
- Bıçak Plise Makineleri
- Dilme Makinesi
- Döner Plise Makineleri
- Filtrelerde Yapıştırıcı Uygulama
- HEPA-/Mini Plise Makineleri
- Kabin Filtresi Üretim Hattı
- Kesme Sistemleri
- Panel Filtre Hatları
- Pileli Filtre Kesme Sistemleri
- Plise Makineleri
- Yapıştırıcı Uygulama Sistemleri
- Çoklu Dokuma Plise Makinesi
- Özel Makineler Filtrasyon Endüstrisi
- Özel Makineler Tekstil Endüstrisi
Market Scope
- Biyoteknoloji/Biyoeczacılık Endüstrisi
- Filtrasyon ve Ayırma Endüstrisi
- Havacılık Endüstrisi
- Kimya Endüstrisi
- Otomotiv Endüstrisi
- Selüloz, Kağıt Endüstrisi
- Su Arıtma, Temin
- Tıp, Sağlık Sektörü
- Çevre Koruma
- İlaç Endüstrisi
Product Index
- HEPA-/미니 주름 기계
- 나이프 주름 기계
- 다중 망 주름 라인
- 슬리터
- 연구 시설
- 절단 시스템
- 접착제 도포 시스템
- 주름 기계
- 철망 플리터
- 캐빈 에어 필터 생산 라인
- 특수 기계 섬유 산업
- 특수 기계 여과 산업
- 패널 필터 라인
- 플리티드 필터 절단 시스템
- 필터에 접착제 도포
- 회전 플리터
Market Scope
- 생명공학/생물 약제학 산업
- 수질 관리, 수자원 공급
- 여과 및 분리 산업
- 의료, 보건 산업
- 자동차 산업
- 제약 산업
- 제지, 종이 산업
- 항공우주 산업
- 화학 산업
- 환경 보호
Product Index
- HEPA・ミニプリーツマシン
- カッティングシステム
- キャビン用エアフィルターの生産ライン
- スリッター
- ナイフプリーツ装置
- パネルフィルターライン
- フィルター用接着剤塗布
- プリーツフィルター切断システム
- プリーツマシン
- ロータリープリーター
- ワイヤーメッシュプリーター
- 接着剤塗布システム
- 特殊機械 濾過産業
- 特殊機械 繊維産業
- 研究用プラント
- 複数のウェブプリーティングライン
Market Scope
- バイオテクノロジー・バイオ医薬品産業
- パルプ、製紙業界
- 化学工業
- 医療、ヘルスケア業界
- 医薬品業界
- 水処理および関連製品
- 濾過および分離技術工業
- 環境保護
- 自動車産業
- 航空宇宙産業
What's new
Roth Composite Machinery presents innovative length cutting system
The specialist in mechanical engineering will present an innovative, swivelling length cutting system for its knife pleating machines for the production of filters for the first time. These filters are used in a wide range of applications.
The new length cutting system enables an increase in production output, as the maximum width of the filter material is fed into the machine and the filters are cut through in individual widths lengthwise to the material web. Winfried Schäfer, Senior Sales Manager at Roth Composite Machinery, explains this with an example: "If our customer wants to produce ten centimetre high filters, he will get ten times the amount of filters in one production run with a filter material of one metre width compared to production with only one filter height. Therefore, length cutting systems have established themselves in the market. For better and risk-free handling in the production process, we have further developed the positioning of the cutter in the machine. This brings a number of advantages for our customers."
Innovative: Length cutter can be swivelled
The machine design developed by Roth Composite Machinery features the length cutter directly in front of the folding knives. "For safety and ergonomic reasons, we have designed the complete infeed table, including the cutter, to swivel. The operator can swivel the table by 90 degrees in a position provided for this purpose, so that the cutter practically swings out of the machine. The swivel position is deliberately chosen at the centre of gravity of the infeed table so that the swivelling process can be carried out easily," explains Winfried Schäfer. The operator can make the necessary adjustments on the length cutter directly and without physical exertion. Alternatively, the knife shafts could simply
be removed by loosening two screws each and replaced with preset shafts. This saves adjustment and set-up times, Winfried Schäfer continues.
Compared to standard cutting systems, the new process from Roth Composite Machinery increases the safety of the machine operator, as adjustment work is considerably simplified. The upper cutter in particular has sharp knives that pose a risk of injury to the operator during machine set-up.
The cutting system is based on the principle of scissor cutting and works with round lower and upper knives. These run at a speed set by the machine – corresponding to the folding speed. The different diameters of the lower and upper knives create a self-sharpening effect.
Represented worldwide
Roth Composite Machinery offers a wide range of mechanically and servo-motorised controlled knife pleating machines, rotary pleating machines and minipleat systems. The range includes solutions for the production of filters for the filtration of gases, oils, fuels, liquids and for cleanroom technology. The company addresses the automotive and aerospace industries as well as medical technology, the chemical industry, IT technology and the household goods sector. A worldwide network of representatives guarantees service at short notice. Customised design and equipment of machines exactly according to customer requirements is one of the great strengths of Roth Composite Machinery.
For better and risk-free handling in the production process, Roth Composite Machinery has further developed the positioning of the cutting system in the machine.
What's new
Roth Composite Machinery präsentiert Minipleat-System MPS
Roth Composite Machinery präsentiert Minipleat-System MPS auf der FILTECH 2019
Roth Composite Machinery aus Burgwald bietet ein breites Sortiment an mechanisch und servomotorisch gesteuerten Messerfaltmaschinen sowie Rotationsfaltmaschinen an. Die Maschinen sind weltweit erhältlich.
Für die Herstellung von Filtern, die überall dort zum Einsatz kommen, wo die Luft besonders rein sein soll, bietet Roth Minipleat-Systeme. Die damit gefertigten Filter eignen sich etwa für Lüftungsanlagen in Wohnhäusern, öffentlichen Gebäuden, Krankenhäusern sowie für Staubsauger, Gasmasken oder Abluftsysteme. Das Minipleat System MPS übernimmt endlos gefaltetes Material von einer Faltmaschine, zieht es wieder glatt und beschichtet es von links und rechts mit sogenannten Hotmeltraupen. Das sind Raupen aus Heißklebstoffen, die beim Abkühlen eine feste Verbindung herstellen. Aufgerichtet zu einem Faltenbalg berühren sich die Hotmeltraupen und verkleben miteinander. So wird das sensible Filtermaterial geschützt und stabilisiert.
Das Roth Minipleat-System kann wahlweise solide oder geschäumte Hotmeltraupen auftragen. Die Anwendung geschäumter Raupen bringt eine Einsparung von bis zu 50 Prozent Heißklebstoff aufgrund der integrierten kleinen Luftblasen im Klebstoff. Eine spätere Umrüstung auf Hotmeltschaum ist einfach und kostengünstig möglich.
Technik im Detail
Die Minipleat-Anlage von Roth Composite Machinery verarbeitet Materialbreiten von 600 bis 1200 Millimetern. Das Auftragssystem besteht unter anderem aus zwei intermittierfähigen Hotmeltköpfen mit beheizten Schläuchen zur Beschichtung von links und rechts bei einem Raupenabstand von 25 oder 25,4 Millimetern. Auf Anfrage sind Sonderabmessungen für die Arbeitsbreiten und die Raupenabstände möglich. Die Maschine eignet sich zur Herstellung von Faltenhöhen bis zu 240 Millimetern bei einer Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit von rund 15 Metern pro Minute, je nach Material und Faltenhöhe. Die Minipleatanlage kann hinter jeder beliebigen Faltmaschine positioniert werden. Ihr Einlaufbereich verfügt über diverse Umlenkwalzen zur optimalen Materialführung. Zur Anpassung der Hotmelttemperatur zum Zeitpunkt der Faltenaufstellung ist eine höhenverstellbare Walze integriert.
Angetriebene Aufstellwalzen ermöglichen den Materialtransport durch die Anlage und das Aufrichten der Falten. Zur Führung des verklebten Faltenstrangs sind ein Transportband und ein Niederhalter integriert. Ein Auslauftisch bietet Möglichkeiten für weitere Verarbeitungsprozesse. Die Steuerung erfolgt über einen Industrie-PC mit Touchpanel. Die Geschwindigkeit der Anlage ist stufenlos wählbar.
Daten & Fakten
Modulares Hotmeltauftragssystem Minipleat MPS
Arbeitsbreiten: 600 – 1200 mm oder je nach Kundenwunsch
Auftragssystem: Intermittierfähige Hotmeltköpfe
Raupenabstand: 25 mm, 25,4 mm oder je nach Kundenwunsch
Faltenhöhen: 20 – 240 mm
Geschwindigkeit: ca. 15 m/Minute, je nach Material und Faltenhöhe
Hotmelt: Standard EVA, andere Sorten auf Anfrage
Roth Composite Machinery presents Minipleat System MPS
Roth Composite Machinery from Burgwald/Germany offers a broad range of mechanically controlled and servo-driven knife pleating machines and rotary pleating equipment. The machines are available worldwide.
For the manufacture of filters being used wherever the air has to be particularly clean, Roth offers minipleat systems. The filters having been manufactured by this are suitable for ventilation systems in residential and public buildings, in hospitals and for vacuum cleaners, gas masks or exhaust systems. The minipleat system MPS takes endlessly folded material from a pleating machine, stretches it out and is coating it to the left and the right side by using so-called hotmelt beads. These are beads of hotmelt materials achieving a permanent bonding when cooling. Being raised to a bellow, the hotmelt beads come into contact and stick together. So, the sensitive filter material is protected and stabilized.
The Roth minipleat system can apply either solid or foamed hotmelt beads. The use of foamed beads is realizing savings of up to 50 percent hotmelt due to the small air bubbles being integrated in the hotmelt. A later retrofit of the machines being supplied can be carried out easily and cost-effectively.
Technology in detail
Roth’s minipleat machine is processing material widths of 600 to 1200 millimeters. The application system is a hotmelt tank unit with heated hoses and two mutiple bead heads, being able to intermit every single bead for coatings on the left and the right side, where the bead distance could be 25 mm or 25,4mm. On request, special dimensions as to the working widths and bead distances can be realized. The machine is suitable for pleat heights of up to 240 millimetres when having a working speed of about 15 metres per minute, depending on the material and pleat height. The system can be positioned after any kind of pleating machine. The feeding area is equipped with various guide rollers. For adapting the hotmelt temperature at the time of the pleat gathering, a height-adjustable roller is integrated.
Gathering rollers enable the material transport through the machine and the raising of the pleats. For transportation of the endless glued and gathered pleat pack, a transport belt and a hold-down device are integrated. The control is effected via an industrial PC with touch panel. The system velocity can be adjusted according the production process.
Modular Hotmelt Application System Minipleat MPS
Working widths: 600 - 1200 mm or according to the customer’s request
Application system: hotmelt heads being able to intermit
Bead distance: 25 mm, 25.4 mm or according to the customer’s request
Pleat heights: 20 – 240 mm
Speed: approx. 15 m/minute, depending on the pleat height and material
Hotmelt: standard EVA, other types upon request