Sani Membranes A/S

Exhibitor Profile
SANI Membranes is the inventor of the innovative Free Flow Plate™ and the disruptive Vibro® technology.
In combination, these two technologies enable new opportunities in applications such as biotech, pharma, alternative protein, algae, carbon nano materials, and numerous other industries that operate with processes involving filtration, separation, clarification and concentration.
Advantages include increased yield, improved transmission, reduced fouling and minimal energy consumption.
Our goal is to secure cleaner, more energy efficient, more effective and lower fouling filtration solutions for the future.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Abscheider
- Abscheider – Fest/Flüssig
- Bakterienfilter
- Filteranlagen
- Filterelemente
- Filterzentrifugen
- Keramikmembranen
- Klärer
- Laborfilter
- Membranen
- Mikrofiltration
- Pilotanlagen
- Ultrafiltration
- Zentrifugen
Market Scope
- Abwasserwirtschaft
- Biotechnologie/Biopharmazie
- Lebensmittel-,Getränkeindustrie
- Milchindustrie / Molkerei
- Pharmazeutische Industrie
Product Index
- Bacteriological Filters
- Centrifuges
- Ceramic Membranes
- Clarifiers
- Filter Centrifuges
- Filter Elements
- Filtration Plants
- Laboratory Filters
- Membranes
- Microfiltration
- Pilot Plants
- Separators
- Separators - Solid/Liquid
- Ultrafiltration
Market Scope
- Biotechnology/Biopharmac. Industry
- Dairy Industry
- Food, Beverage Industry
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Waste Water Treatment
Product Index
- 净化器
- 分离器
- 分离器 固体/液体
- 实验室过滤器
- 微孔过滤
- 滤芯
- 滤菌器
- 离心式过滤器
- 离心机
- 试验工厂
- 超过滤
- 过滤设备
- 陶瓷膜
- 隔膜
Market Scope
- 乳品加工业
- 制药工业
- 废水处理
- 生物技术/生物制药业
- 食品、饮料工业
Product Index
- أغشية السراميك
- اسطوانات
- الطيار النباتات
- الفلترة المضاعفة
- الفلترة الميكروية
- فلاتر مخبرية
- فلاتر ميكروبيولوجية
- فواصل
- فواصل المواد الصلبة والسوائل
- قطع فلاتر
- قلاتر الطرد المركزي
- مصفيات
- وحدات الطرد المركزي
- وحدات فلترة
Market Scope
- الصناعات الدوائية
- الصناعات الغذائية وصناعة المشروبات
- الصناعة الإلكترونية والإلكترونيات الدقيقة
- صناعة التقنية البيولوجية والبيوصيدلية
- معالجة مياه الصرف
Product Index
- Centrifugeuses
- Centrifugeuses à filtre
- Décanteurs
- Eléments de filtre
- Filtres bactériologiques
- Filtres de laboratoires
- Installation de filtration
- Installations pilotes
- Membranes
- Membranes céramiques
- Microfiltration
- Séparateurs
- Séparateurs – solides/liquides
- Ultrafiltration
Market Scope
- Industrie biotechnologie/biopharmaceutique
- Industrie pharmaceutique
- Industrie électronique et microélectrique
- Industries alimentaires et des boissons
- Traitement des eaux usées
Product Index
- Centrifughe
- Centrifughe filtri
- Chiarificatori
- Elementi filtranti
- Filtri batteriologici
- Filtri di laboratorio
- Impianti di filtraggio
- Impianti pilota
- Membrane
- Membrane in ceramica
- Microfiltrazione
- Separatori
- Separatori - solido/liquido
- Ultrafiltrazione
Market Scope
- Biotecnologie/biofarmaceutica
- Settore alimenti e bevande
- Settore caseario
- Settore parafarmaceutico
- Trattamento acque reflue
Product Index
- Elementy filtra
- Filtry bakteriologiczne
- Filtry laboratoryjne
- Instalacje pilotażowe
- Membrany
- Membrany ceramiczne
- Mikrofiltracja
- Osadniki
- Separatory
- Separatory - Ciała stałe/ciecze
- Ultrafiltracja
- Urządzenia filtracyjne
- Wirówki
- Wirówki filtracyjne
Market Scope
- Biotechnologia/biofarmaceutyka
- Oczyszczanie ścieków (waste water)
- Przemysł farmaceutyczny
- Przemysł mleczarski
- Przemysł spożywczy
Product Index
- Centrifugadores
- Centrifugadores de filtros
- Clarificadores
- Elementos filtrantes
- Filtros bacteriológicos
- Filtros para laboratório
- Instalações de filtração
- Membranas
- Membranas cerâmicas
- Microfiltração
- Plantas Piloto
- Separadores
- Separadores - sólidos/líquidos
- Ultrafiltração
Market Scope
- Electrónica, indústria microelectrónica
- Ind. de biotecnologia/biofarmac.
- Indústria alimentar, de bebidas
- Indústria farmacêutica
- Tratamento de água de despejo
Product Index
- Бактериальные фильтры
- Керамические мембраны
- Лабораторные фильтры
- Мембраны
- Микрофильтрование
- Очистительные устройства
- Пилотные установки
- Сепараторы
- Сепараторы – твердые вещества / жидкости
- Ультрафильтрация
- Фильтрационные установки
- Фильтрующие центрифуги
- Фильтрующие элементы
- Центрифуги
Market Scope
- Биотехнология / Биофармацевтическая промышленность
- Очистка сточных вод
- Производство продуктов питания и напитков
- Фармацевтическая промышленность
- Электроника, микроэлектроника
Product Index
- Centrífugas
- Centrífugas de filtro
- Clarificadores
- Elementos de filtro
- Filtros bacteriológicos
- Filtros de laboratorio
- Membranas
- Membranas cerámicas
- Microfiltración
- Plantas Piloto
- Plantas de filtración
- Separadores
- Separadores - sólido/líquido
- Ultrafiltración
Market Scope
- Industria de la alimentación y las bebidas
- Industria de la biotecnología/biofarmacéutica
- Industria de la electrónica, microelectrónica
- Industria farmacéutica
- Tratamiento de aguas residuales
Product Index
- Arıtma İstasyonları
- Bakteriyolojik Filtreler
- Berraklaştırıcılar
- Filtre Elemanları
- Filtre Santrifüjleri
- Laboratuvar Filtreleri
- Membranlar
- Mikrofiltrasyon
- Pilot Tesisler
- Santrifüjler
- Separatörler
- Separatörler - Katı/Sıvı
- Seramik Membranlar
- Ultrafiltrasyon
Market Scope
- Atıksu Arıtma
- Biyoteknoloji/Biyoeczacılık Endüstrisi
- Gıda, İçecek Endüstrisi
- Süt Endüstrisi
- İlaç Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 분리기
- 분리기
- 분리기 - 고체/액체
- 분리막
- 세균 필터
- 세라믹 분리막
- 실험실 필터
- 정밀 여과
- 정수 처리장
- 청정기
- 파일럿 플랜트
- 필터 엘리먼트
- 필터 원심분리기
- 한외 여과
Market Scope
- 생명공학/생물 약제학 산업
- 식음료 산업
- 유제품 산업
- 제약 산업
- 폐수 처리
Product Index
- セラミック膜
- パイロットプラント
- フィルターエレメント
- フィルター遠心機
- ラボ用フィルター
- 分離機
- 分離機 - 固形・液体
- 浄化器
- 濾過設備
- 精密濾過
- 細菌フィルター
- 膜
- 遠心分離機
- 限外濾過
Market Scope
- バイオテクノロジー・バイオ医薬品産業
- 医薬品業界
- 汚水処理
- 酪農産業
- 食品、飲料業界
What's new
Centrifuge Killer
Replace your disk stack / high speed centrifuge
Vibro Membrane Filtration (VMF) enables continuous concentration of media using membrane filtration, thus offering an alternative to conventional centrifugal separation systems, such as disk stack centrifuges and high speed centrifuges.
VMF is ideal for pharmaceutical proteins, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), insulin, starter cultures and probiotic products, extracellular and intracellular enzymes
VMF enables up to 96% API yield
What's new
SANI Membranes is proud to announce the introduction of the new, smaller version of the Vibro-I series, bridging the gap between benchtop filtration units and industrial units
The Vibro® technology has become the work horse for filtration, separation and concentration processes across many applications such as biopharma, algae, new green proteins and carbon nanomaterials. With the introduction of a smaller Vibro-I unit, 2.5m2 unit, scaling your production capacity has become even simpler. Due to the unique technology of Vibro® Filtration, the process from benchtop filtration units is identical to that of larger units, meaning that the technology is ideal for scaling, as the user can expect the same results when going from one Vibro® unit to another, regardless of size.
Being founded in 2014, SANI Membranes is a relatively new player in the filtration industry but has quickly gained momentum with the Vibro® Technology, characterized by its low and uniform Trans Membrane Pressure, making it possible to achieve very high concentrations, eliminate shear and increase yield by up to 25%.
What's new
Truly Disruptive Micro- and Ultrafiltration Technology with Uniform TMP
SANI Membranes has developed a new and patented membrane filtration technology based on the Free Flow Plate modules and the Vibro technology. The Vibro technology delivers efficient continuous micro- and ultrafiltration with less fouling, less energy consumption and with a simple and sanitary design.
The Vibro technology is based on the crossflow filtration principle, but the cleansing turbulence at the membrane surface is here created by vibrating the membrane relative to the feed instead of applying a fast cross flow. The turbulence is only produced at the membrane surface and the huge pressure loss from a traditional cross flow is eliminated. Consequently, the transmembrane pressure (TMP) becomes close to uniform throughout the system - making unique process control and sharper separations possible.
The key features of the Vibro technology that will be explained are improved separation due to a uniform TMP obtained through fouling reducing turbulence achieved by moving the membrane relative to the media. The design opens for operation at very low TMP in the entire system (e.g. 0.10 bar) and this is the key to continuous fouling free microfiltration with high transmission of target molecules. Several test underlines that in many applications higher pressures reduce flux in microfiltration and always higher pressure seems to reduce transmission.
The open plate design supports operation with high concentration, viscosity and solid loads, and this combined with vibro technology leads to very high savings in pumping energy and cooling.
The technology is successfully implemented in continuous microfiltration of fermentation broths with exceptional transmission of target molecules even at high cell/cell-debris concentrations. The technology is also as a subsequent step implemented in UF concentration of proteins and other target molecules to remarkably high concentrations with extremely low shear on the media.
What's new
Innovative Free Flow Plate™ technology & the disruptive Vibro™ technology
SANI Membranes ApS is a Danish cleantech company producing innovative continuous Micro- and Ultrafiltration solution for the Biotech, Pharma, Food and Process industries.
Vibro-LE is the perfect benchtop filtration solution for process development and small-scale filtration applications. Low fouling continuous filtration where the filter is kept clean by vibration shear.
Vibro-I is our industrial MF and UF solution. The Vibro-I is perfect for difficult MF applications where high transmission is crucial and can concentrate your valuable products to extreme concentrations in UF.
The patented Vibro technology creates the needed turbulence on all membrane surfaces by vibrating the membrane relative to the media. The Vibro technology eliminates the need for a cross flow pump and delivers uniform TMP throughout the system at exceptional low energy consumption.
- Ideal Separation
- Unique Microfiltration
- Low Energy Consumption
- High Concentration, Viscosity and Solids Load
- Better Product Quality
- Higher Yield
- Sanitary