Secura B.C. Hall 7 / R33

Exhibitor Profile
SECURA B.C. is the manufacturer of personal protective equipment.
It specialises in the production of equipment for respiratory protection, electrical insulating gloves, hand protection products, filters and filter materials for filtration of liquids in industrial and household applications.
After more than 30 years of market presence, the company keeps production at the highest level, constantly improving the quality of the products manufactured. Thanks to the use of the latest manufacturing process technology and the expertise, experience and support of its trained team SECURA B.C. has been one of the market leaders of the Health & Safety sector in Poland for many years now.
Products / Markets
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- Da comunicare
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- Zostanie ogłoszona
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- A ser anunciado
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- Будет объявлено
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- Se anunciará
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- Daha sonra bildirilecektir
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Product Index
- 추후 공개 예정
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Product Index
- 発表予定