Zhehan Filter Equipment Co., Ltd

Exhibitor Profile
We're a leading factory that specializes in producing stainless steel filters, filter cartridges and filtration elements.
With advanced on-site processing equipment and extensive production experience, we guarantee high-quality products and fast delivery times. Our rigorous quality management system reflects our commitment to product quality. With several decades of industry experience, we offer reliable and the most professional service.
Our team continuously strives for improvement by introducing advanced equipment and technology. Our top-notch products have gained trust and recognition in various industries. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we continuously improve our products and services to meet their evolving needs. We welcome everyone to visit our factory and look forward to building long-term partnerships with all customers.
Products / Markets
Product Index
- Abscheider – Fest/Flüssig
- Edelstahlfilter
- Feinsiebe
- Filterbeutel
- Filterelemente
- Filtergehäuse
- Filterscheiben
- Korbfilter
- Schneidesysteme für Faltfilter
- Wasserfilter
Market Scope
- Abwasserwirtschaft
- Chemische Industrie
- Druckindustrie
- Lebensmittel-,Getränkeindustrie
- Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie
- Mineralöl/Öl/Gasproduktion
- Pharmazeutische Industrie
- Umweltschutz
- Zellstoff-, Papierindustrie
Product Index
- Basket Filters (Strainers)
- Filter Bags
- Filter Discs
- Filter Elements
- Filter Housings
- Pleated Filter Cutting Systems
- Separators - Solid/Liquid
- Stainless Steel Filters
- Strainers
- Water Filters
Market Scope
- Aerospace Industry
- Chemical Industries
- Environmental Protection
- Food, Beverage Industry
- Mineral / Oil / Gas Production
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Printing Industry
- Pulp, Paper Industry
- Waste Water Treatment
Product Index
- 不锈钢过滤器
- 分离器 固体/液体
- 折叠式过滤器切割系统
- 水过滤器
- 滤壳
- 滤片
- 滤芯
- 篮式过滤器
- 过滤器
- 过滤袋
Market Scope
- 制药工业
- 化学工业
- 印刷业
- 废水处理
- 环境保护
- 矿产/石油/天然气业
- 纸浆、造纸工业
- 航空航天业
- 食品、饮料工业
Product Index
- أقراص فلاتر
- أكياس فلاتر
- أنظمة القطع تصفية مطوي
- المصافي
- تصفية العلب
- فلاتر السلة
- فلاتر ماء
- فلاتر من معادن مقاومة للصدأ
- فواصل المواد الصلبة والسوائل
- قطع فلاتر
Market Scope
- إنتاج المعادن والزيوت والغاز
- الصناعات الدوائية
- الصناعات الغذائية وصناعة المشروبات
- الصناعة الكيماوية
- الصناعة الورقية
- الطباعة
- صناعة الألبان
- صناعة الفضاء
- معالجة مياه الصرف
Product Index
- Disques de filtres
- Eléments de filtre
- Filtres en acier inoxydable
- Filtres à bols
- Filtres à eau
- Les boîtiers de filtre
- Sacs de filtres
- Systèmes de coupe pour filtre plissé
- Séparateurs – solides/liquides
- Tamis
Market Scope
- Industrie aérospatiale
- Industrie chimique
- Industrie de la pâte de cellulose et du papier
- Industrie laitière
- Industrie pharmaceutique
- Industrie typographique
- Industries alimentaires et des boissons
- Productions minérales / pétrolière / du gaz
- Traitement des eaux usées
Product Index
- Alloggiamenti filtro
- Dischi filtro
- Elementi filtranti
- Filtri
- Filtri a cestello (filtri)
- Filtri in acciaio inossidabile
- Filtri per acqua
- Separatori - solido/liquido
- Sistemi di taglio filtro piegato
- Tasche filtri
Market Scope
- Produzioni minerali / petrolio / gas
- Protezione ambientale
- Settore aerospaziale
- Settore alimenti e bevande
- Settore chimico
- Settore industria dell carta e della cellulosa
- Settore industria stampaggio
- Settore parafarmaceutico
- Trattamento acque reflue
Product Index
- Dyski filtra
- Elementy filtra
- Filtry do wody pitnej
- Filtry koszowe (sitka)
- Filtry ze stali nierdzewnej
- Obudowy filtrów
- Separatory - Ciała stałe/ciecze
- Sitka
- System cięcia plisowanych filtrów
- Worki filtracyjne
Market Scope
- Ochrona środowiska
- Oczyszczanie ścieków (waste water)
- Przemysł celulozowo-papierniczy
- Przemysł chemiczny
- Przemysł drukarski
- Przemysł farmaceutyczny
- Przemysł lotniczy
- Przemysł spożywczy
- Wydobycie minerałów, ropy i gazu
Product Index
- Carcaças de Filtro
- Discos de filtros
- Elementos filtrantes
- Filtros de aço inoxidável
- Filtros de rede
- Filtros de água
- Peneiras finas
- Sacos filtrantes
- Separadores - sólidos/líquidos
- sistemas de corte para Filtro de pregas
Market Scope
- Indústria aeroespacial
- Indústria alimentar, de bebidas
- Indústria da impressão
- Indústria farmacêutica
- Indústria leiteira
- Indústrias químicas
- Pasta, indústria do papel
- Produção mineral / óleo / gás
- Tratamento de água de despejo
Product Index
- Водяные фильтры
- Корзинчатые фильтры
- Корпуса фильтров
- Режущая система гофрированный фильтр
- Сепараторы – твердые вещества / жидкости
- Сетчатые фильтры
- Фильтровальные мешки
- Фильтрующие диски
- Фильтрующие элементы
- Фильтры из нержавеющей стали
Market Scope
- Авиакосмическая промышленность
- Бумажная промышленность
- Добыча минералов/ нефти/ газа
- Молочная промышленность
- Очистка сточных вод
- Полиграфическая промышленность
- Производство продуктов питания и напитков
- Фармацевтическая промышленность
- Химическая промышленность
Product Index
- Bolsas de filtro
- Coladores
- Discos de filtro
- Elementos de filtro
- Filtro de Viviendas
- Filtros de acero inoxidable
- Filtros de agua
- Filtros de cesta
- Separadores - sólido/líquido
- Sistemas de Corte para filtro plisado
Market Scope
- Industria aeroespacial
- Industria de la alimentación y las bebidas
- Industria de la impresión
- Industria de la pasta de madera, el papel
- Industria de los productos lácteos
- Industria farmacéutica
- Industrias químicas
- Producción de minerales / petróleo / gas
- Tratamiento de aguas residuales
Product Index
- Filtre Diskleri
- Filtre Elemanları
- Filtre Gövdeleri
- Filtre Torbaları
- Paslanmaz Çelik Filtreler
- Pileli Filtre Kesme Sistemleri
- Separatörler - Katı/Sıvı
- Sepet Filtreler
- Su Filtreleri
- Süzgeçler
Market Scope
- Atıksu Arıtma
- Basın Endüstrisi
- Gıda, İçecek Endüstrisi
- Havacılık Endüstrisi
- Kimya Endüstrisi
- Mineral / Petrol / Gaz Üretimi
- Selüloz, Kağıt Endüstrisi
- Çevre Koruma
- İlaç Endüstrisi
Product Index
- 물 필터
- 바스켓 필터(스트레이너)
- 분리기 - 고체/액체
- 스텐레스 스틸 필터
- 스트레이너
- 플리티드 필터 절단 시스템
- 필터 디스크
- 필터 백
- 필터 엘리먼트
- 필터 하우징
Market Scope
- 광물 / 석유 / 가스 생산
- 식음료 산업
- 인쇄 산업
- 제약 산업
- 제지, 종이 산업
- 폐수 처리
- 항공우주 산업
- 화학 산업
- 환경 보호
Product Index
- ステンレス鋼フィルター
- ストレーナー
- バスケットフィルター(ストレーナー)
- フィルターエレメント
- フィルターディスク
- フィルターハウジング
- フィルターバッグ
- プリーツフィルター切断システム
- 分離機 - 固形・液体
- 水フィルター
Market Scope
- パルプ、製紙業界
- 化学工業
- 医薬品業界
- 印刷業界
- 汚水処理
- 環境保護
- 航空宇宙産業
- 鉱物・石油・ガス生産
- 食品、飲料業界
What's new
Stainless/Metal Filters Products OEM Manufacturer
ZheHan Filter Equipment Company specializes in designing and making top-notch stainless steel filters and filter elements. Our factory constantly upgrades our production equipment to improve our manufacturing and better serve our customers. We have full production processes in-house, giving us greater control over our products' quality and timely delivery.